College dorm room theft protection is a simple list of 5 items that will help you to prevent your personal items from being stolen out of your dormitory room, after all, college is one of the best times of your life, but it’s also a huge vault of great stuff, like earbuds, wallets(unless you use Venmo, Zelle, etc. instead), smartwatches, sunglasses, charging cords, etc. in your dorm room and they could suddenly go missing if left without some kind of protection safety measure for when not in use. Dorm theft is a real thing that happens daily on campuses so this list of dorm theft protection ideas will help you easily locate helpful items to help prevent college dorm theft and damage item/items might work best for you, from minimalist options to overkill!
Get ahead of being a potential victim of dormitory theft of your personal items because if you are comfortable and don’t have to worry about your stuff being stolen from your room, you can just concentrate on school and the fun you can have while you are there as attending college is such a magnificently mixed experience of each.
Consider How To Prevent College Dorm Theft And Damage
- your new campus has hundreds to thousands of potential new friends and that means a lot of foot traffic through the dorms and probably into your dormitory room as well.
- Considering the cost of tuition, and then the books that you have to buy, and all the time you need to put in your room so that you can function every single day, surely you don’t want to have your essentials stolen so invest in locking dorm storage for the safety of your college life essentials.
- remember, your home life is about to change, as you have relocated where you live, and rather than sharing a home with people you have known for most of your life, you will be living with hundreds of people you don’t know (this is not a bad thing it is just something to consider).
- whether you are carrying a backpack around campus with some of your stuff in it like your laptop, you need to consider all the other things you left in your room between classes.
- your new college room will be your new home, and you want to have what you need when you need it.
- It’s natural that dorm rooms are gathering spots, but you may not always agree with who your roommate or your other friends bring along!
There are solutions to keeping part of your life private and secure!
College Dorm Room Theft Protection Essentials + Your Roommate
Roomates don’t have to be your BFF but you do have to live with them.
You might have a roommate that simply doesn’t have boundaries and rather than argue just pack up your stuff using your footlocker and a lock, which in the end may prevent college dormitory room theft.
If your roommate isn’t worried about much and your door does not auto lock and have a punch code to get back in, your dorm room door might be left open and ANYONE can get in or out before you might realize it, which could really suck for you and your roommate.
Locking dorm storage is really important for the times you are not in the room and the door might be left open or for anytime you are not there, but the roommate is with their friends who decide to lay on your bed, and hang all over your stuff.
Rather than deal with the total bullshit scent just lock up your pillow and bedding and they can hang on that craoppy mattress without messing you your stuff!
College Dorm Room Theft Protection Essentials for Your Money + CC’s
The person you are living with, will know your coming and going habits and you will know theirs.
Additionally, they will learn what you put where, and get quite comfortable living with you.
While that person may be golden and turn into your best friend, what they know about you can create issues as well.
Your personal property, such as your credit cards and debit cards needs pins, and it is possible that your roommate knows yours from seeing you access it.
That is common in living in close proximity to each other, you really don’t have much privacy, but there needs to be a way to keep those credit cards out of others’ hands.
Think identity fraud prevention and loss of credit cards you might need each day.
To get them marked as lost and stolen creates a period of time when you will be without assets to get along each day!
You’ll want to have a portable safe that you can lock up or a dorm security box, that can be attached to something in your closet.
Either way, a college dorm safe is a really good idea to keep your credit cards and cash locked up at all points in time no matter how you and your roommate get along, if a door is left open and cards are out, it’s just an open inited to ‘borrow’.
WeekendsAway And College Dorm Room Theft Protections Essentials To Help
You’ll want to go home here and there if you are close enough and can, but you won’t want to lug all your stuff nor will you want to worry about all of your stuff while you are gone.
While you and your roommate might be golden, if he/she forgets to lock the door, well, suddenly a weekend away might turn into chaos upon return, from theft, so instead it’s time to be thinking about preventing dormitory room theft before you go away for the weekend.
Perhaps you will be leaving for the weekends, and your roommate will be staying, this creates a whole other security issue for everything you have in the room.
On weekends, it might be much more relaxed at the dorm, and maybe no one closes their doors, or the doors are wedged open?
Your room is a direct target for anything from petty theft to larger items.
Or maybe your roommate knows you have an extra set of sheets and does not feel like washing theirs, so they ‘borrow’ your set.
Not only does this warrant a discussion, but, maybe a new method of storage?
Short of installing a safety camera, which is clearly not an option due to privacy, you won’t know what is happening while you are gone.
Let’s be serious, do you really want to have to concern yourself with what happens in your room, if you are not there? Most of us do not!
So, there’s an easy storage solution for this.
Footlocker Trunk #1
College Dorm Room Theft Protecion Essentials For Stowing your Personal Belongings
One of my friends had a very bad roommate.
In fact, the roommate used to put cactus needles in her bed while she was gone.
Another time, she came back to discover that all of her clothes had been donated to a St. Vincent DePaul drop-down the street.
Yet another friend used to come back to school after leaving each weekend with weird stains on his pillow.
This can all be avoided!
For those of you residing far enough away that you can not commute daily, yet close enough to go home on the weekends, this is the perfect storage accessory.
While you won’t know what your roommate is doing when you are gone, or their friends that visit your part of the room when you are not there.
Prevent College Dorm Theft and Damage To Your Possessions.
Choose locking dorm storage such as a foot locker with an optional cable lock.
You’ll want your storage foot locker to be durable and rugged and come with an optional lock-on cable once it is closed it is also secured to something in your room so that it cannot be removed from the dorm room either!
You can put your medicines and pillows in here on the weekends if you leave and lock them up, and during the week, while you are in and out and may not need your laptop, etc., you can lock them up in here as well, as it is large and bulky and not easily removed.
Just load the generous footlocker with all of the ‘stuff’ and then lock it with a padlock.
The Graduate Footlocker Trunk that you see here is available in 20 colors, which means you are sure to find a color you love.
In order to store this under most beds, you will need extra tall bed risers to get the needed clearance, and that is an easy find!
Why You’ll Want A College Dorm Footlocker
- The Graduate Footlocker Trunk is a beast, built to fit your college packing list (towels, pillows, supplies, sheets) and is rugged and durable.
- It’s a great seat, and a way to get up to the ceiling instead of an unsteady ladder.
- Optional add-ons in the Graduated Footlocker trunk such as the Glide-and-Go tray is perfect for those smaller items like medicine, etc.
- Of course, the college dorm footlocker is also perfect for locking your laptop while you are not in the room, just as a precautionary measure in case your door does not get locked or there are people you don’t know in your room and you’d prefer to not have to worry about your stuff!
- It’s got a C&N Lifetime Free Repair Warranty and it’s made in the USA! It’s the dorm room workhorse every student needs. Even when you are done with school, you will find a way to use this in your life. Great storage options to a chic table for your couch!
How To Prevent College Dorm Theft And Damage: A Few More Ideas
Sometimes things that prevent college dorm theft actually help you when you can’t find your belongings.
Here’s an example of a double helping item!
What About Apple Air Tags For Electronics?
We’ve all been there, misplacing our keys, and smartphones and having no idea how to find them.
You need to get to your appointment, class whatever, but where is your stuff?
The Apple Air Tags are great ideas as well for your important stuff and your bag!
Don’t Forget To Consider Tile for Electronics and Backpacks
There are a few great options for your electronics, and keys
If you have your phone and need your keys/id, and if you have added a TILE to it, use the phone app to find the keys or the key Tile to ring the phone.
Keepimg Track Of Your Electronics In College : Theft & Tracking
Let’s discuss the items that make your life work every day and those you never want to be without your technology!
Smartphones, iPads, laptops, etc., all need to be guarded against theft and loss as well as pure forgetfulness.
College is a stressful time, and you might walk off without your phone.
In fact, you might leave it in your room, and your roommate might arrive while you are not there, with a bunch of their friends.
By the time you realize you forgot your phone, it’s gone!
Before that happens, or before it is stolen from your backpack that is left in a cubby in the dining hall, get a Tile, or a set of them.
Chances are, your smartphone did not travel far since it was lifted from your room, so use Tile to ring it.
If that does not help you discover its whereabouts, then you have a community to help which is the world’s largest lost and found society!
College Dorm Room Theft Protecion Essentials + The Golden Rules
- Whether your door is opened by key, code, or college id, it is important to never do any of the following in order to keep your possessions safe and secure.
- Never make a duplicate key to hand out for your ‘friends to crash’.
- Don’t provide the code to anyone; never share your college id.
- Sharing your id can lead to more than just theft in your room, it can lead to theft of identity in many ways, as access to your life is granted to those who know how to access it.
Other Options To Prevent College Dorm theft and Damage
Your Smartphones and wallets need a dorm security box, a college dorm safe, whatever you want to call it, so that you can roam freely without being weighted down with all your stuff!
Keep track of your electronics in college includes your phone and you might have a few occasions when you’ll want to actually lock it up inside a portable safe or a dorm security box.
A Portable Locker Safe Is 1 Option
Before we start on this, the smart solution is here a SAFEGO PORTABLE LOCKER SAFE that hinges to your closet rod, bedpost, etc.
Lock it with a key or a code.
Store your smartphone, wallet, and student identification in here when you are not using it.
Again, you may or may not get along with your roommate and either way, this will keep your life private.
Think about the time when you are in the shower, and if you don’t get along with your roommate, what could transpire. A portable locker will stop all this before it starts.
You can Use A Dorm Security Box For Your Wallet
Leaving your wallet in plain sight is never a good idea.
It’s a dorm room and anyone entering can take it.
College is a time when everyone is on a very strict budget, so grabbing a little extra might not be such a bad idea, or at least that is how petty thieves think.
Additionally, if you and your roommate are not the best of friends, taking a little bit of cash or snagging a credit card may not be such a far fetched idea on their part.
A portable locker stops issues before they start or a dorm security box.
Medicine Safety For Your Dorm Room
Your medical issues are YOUR personal business.
Never should you leave your prescription bottles out for others to see, or steal.
Medication prescribed for you is yours and yours alone, so lock it up.
Out of sight, out of mind from others to see and steal.
Lock your medicine up in a some sort of locking dorm storage from a portable safe to a footlocker with a lock on it!
Keeping Track Of Your Electronics In College Just Got Easier
Here’s just 1 good reason to invest in a portable safe for your dorm room, the kind that is easy to use when you shower to lock up your smartphone.
While you are in the shower from 5-10 minutes, your phone is sitting in your room.
The roommate thinks it might be funny to text from your phone to someone on your list or theirs.
They text and suddenly issues result, even though YOU Never texted.
Again, this portable locker can be cabled to your bed or in your closet and it keeps your stuff secure.
Or, your phone has your banking info, and personal info and it can be accessed easily.
Odds are, your roommate has seen you put your unlock code in (you live together you will watch everything the other one does) and this can turn into an issue.
Of course, this is a disadvantage of living in such close quarters.
The scenario might play out like this: while you are in the shower, he unlocks the phone.
He then has access to your whole world. Imagine what could happen.
Unauthorized texts, posts on social media, etc.
None of those done by you, but your name is on the line. Or all of your private info from codes you store on the phone to passwords?
Laptop Lockdown Helps in Keeping Track Of Your Electronics In College
The line of Kensington Combination Cable Locks is something you want to learn about fast!
Laptops somehow get a set of legs on them, once they hit a college campus.
In other words, these items are the ones that are most frequently stolen!
Avoid dorm room theft of your laptop by locking it up.
It’s a simple cable that attaches to your desk and the computer. It works via a key or combination.
Your laptop won’t grow legs if you have it locked down!
Make Sure To come Back And Tell Me How Your College Dorm Room Theft Protection Essentials Helped You!
Dorm room storage options are vast, security is a must.
Using these 5 tips will help you in being proactive against college dorm room theft.
The hardest part about dorm room theft prevention is not understanding what could be taken from you.
Therefore if you know before you go, you can implement your own plan for dorm room theft prevention.
Go home for the weekend without returning to your things gone missing.
Don’t worry about your pillow, or that your favorite clothes were swiped.
Put them in your footlocker, and lock them up.
Keep your money and watches locked up, when they are not on you.
Theft prevention is easy when you have the right storage for your belongings and plan ahead.
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