Oh moan and groan, I know what you are going to say, before you even say it ladies: you have a headache, your stomach hurts, maybe it’s that time of month, so you just Fake it. Perhaps Faking it to you is just letting out a moan and a groan when you see it, or even just hiding under the covers.
Dryness, dullness are two prime reasons we are so good at faking it, but there are more reasons why we fake it!
No matter what your stance is as a woman, at some point in time you have gotten very good at faking it and now it is time to come out about faking it and discuss the finer points, after all being a woman means sharing it with all the girls. Today, Let’s lavishly live life out loud and learn 5 expert tips for women on faking it, so we can join in together and fake it!
5 Expert Tips For Women On Faking It
Let’s get this cleared up quick, there’s nothing worse than knowing you want it to be over, and having to deal with it. Honestly, time spent on this could be spent in so many other ways, but you gotta fake it.
I know what you are thinking, and this article is not about sex, it is about being sexy with hair that is awesome to look at and 5 expert tips for woman on faking it is all about your hair and faking that you are ageless, timeless and your hair never lets out a hint.
Grays are the things you see and then you go hiding under the covers to get away from them. Here’s the good news, you can fake the grays out so well, you can get away from the grays, when you have the right product in hand.
Covering grays also will help with what can potentially look more gray in an area. Thinning hair is more often pronounced when left at the color ‘gray’ against your other hair, so more gray areas, often look like THINNING hair. This thinning factor can be faked as well.
Well, let’s just say that too much of a good thing “faking it” can often cause your hair to be to dry, so make sure to seek out the RIGHT Product to be able to kick ass in the ‘Faking It’ arena of timeless beauty.
Does your hair look like someone just wanded over it with a color that has nothing to it? If dullness prevails and you feel as gross as your hair then stop your normal routine, because you can fake it, trust me with products that are readily available.
Wiry Texture
While you might be at the age, where we are all vying to be a ‘wire’ in the figure and can’t fight those hormones .. fear not because the wiry texture of hair can be faked too!
With the right tools in hand, my 5 expert tips for woman on faking it becomes so much more manageable and in fact you can AGEBeautiful, because you and I both know you are going to fake your hair, it’s just our thing!
Faking hair-color lets us feel good, and keep the youthful feeling that we all crave. AGEBeautiful let’s you fake and fend off the 5 signs of aging hair letting you Fake it all the time! Goodbye grays, thinning hair, wiry textures, and dullness, you have met your match and we are all experts in faking it!
Lavishly live faking it out loud, as you become part of the crew who easily fakes it, month after month, week after week, it’s your turn to join in and indulge yourself in faking it.
While this is a sponsored post, thoughts are my own as I lavishly live life out loud and share it with you.