Our decision to add a new bathroom into our home was one we had toyed with for the last few years. Here is what I know hard work yields great results and a new bathroom is the end result for us.
What we did not want to do is have to work so hard in between our work weeks that it would create a negative DIY experience. We shopped till we dropped looking for just the right brands and products to place into our home.
I wanted a quality product that would not over-task us upon install and Michael wanted something that he could put in with ease and have it look professionally created when complete.
Installed without issues, and still going strong 5+ years later, Armstrong Floors have survived teens and their friends on them daily! This is our DIY project using Alterna Luxury Vinyl Tiles.
Alterna Luxury Vinyl Tiles
Have you been toying with the idea of replacing your current floor? We got the ‘bug’ to DIY and we have been consumed in a fun bathroom project that has been ongoing for about 3 months so far, as we are installing this every night after work full days and on weekends.
If you remember we installed an Armstrong ceiling and this floor compliments it quite well. We have found the Alterna Luxury Vinyl Tile to be the perfect solution for a bathroom floor. T
The project itself took a bit of time, but they look as good today as they did when we installed them! Yes, I am updating this because so many people write in and ask me how it looks. I am going to do a new photoshoot, so all of you can see!
Alterna Luxury Vinyl floor looks like ceramic and is able to be grouted, which really makes it stand out! I think it took it from basic to preferred. No, it’s not cold on the feet, nor is it warm, its just a floor.
Each tile was 16″ x 16″ and the color is Mesa Stone Beige. Truly a neutral color. You can install this whether you are a skilled DIY at home person or not. If this is your first project it may take you a bit more time, but I know YOU can do this!
OUR DIY Install with Alterna Luxury Vinyl Tiles
That said, DIY’s are not for everyone, it’s fine to hire someone to put in the floor you chose as well. Here at Casa Vento, Michael headed up the project, after I selected the product.
Yes, I could have rolled up my sleeves and done the same, but I was working on a different project! It did take him less than 3 hours to complete the bathroom which is approximately 10′ x 10′. I do want to note, this did not include the time we let it set.
The tile is durable as well as very nice to look at. To clean the tile, you can just a vacuum for hard floor surfaces. If you need to wash it, from dirt and grime, simply use a warm water cloth. Trust me, the color lends well to those days that I don’t have time to tend to it, and people are on their way here! Yet another reason we chose the floor from Armstrong.
Installation Overview
During the installation, it is recommended to change the tiles positioning each time you place a new one down, in order to give it a more realistic flow. We followed the directions with very positive results as you can see in the video.
We additionally installed a KOHLER white porcelain toilet, and a black wood framed vanity. I feel that the color flowed well, and the floor pulled it altogether due to the shades of different color in the tiles.
A Word About Wear and Tear
There are a lot of different options for flooring colors in this particular line. Really, I can’t imagine not being able to match your home decor to the color options.
Again, our floor is Mesa Stone Beige and does mimic tile. Sometimes I take a double look to confirm it is not tile! Since it wipes and vacuums, care is easy!
Are you ready to lavishly live your DIY life out loud and attempt this floor? You could not have picked a better brand or product to work with so half the process is already over, now you just have to install and you can see it is not hard at all.
Make sure to plan ahead and get ALL of your supplies together because being organized in any DIY is priceless.
*Product was provided By Armstrong Floors in exchange for my DIY. All thoughts are my own, based on my install and use in my personal home. Images and video are ALL subject to copyright and MAY not be used or reproduced without written consent. This article was updated in August 2019.