Sometimes I get ahead of myself when I start into a project and then I realize, I don’t have it all planned out! That’s right, I am human and everyone once in a while my organized side just disappears. Today I will share with you a DIY for Banner Cake Toppers because I was in a pinch and had to figure my way through quickly, and what resulted was a triumphant cake topper that looked great and really was the ‘talk’ of the party! If you have ever baked a cake and really wanted to personalize it, I have the easiest way in the word and the price tag on it lavish and friendly and I can hardly believe how easy this project was. This is my story of lavishly living food creation out loud and the simple step-by-step diy for banner cake toppers!
How To DIY Banner Cake Toppers
So, I baked a cake and then realized that I had no way to personalize the top. I did not have any fondant-like icing in the house to make the lettering(nor was I about to make any) and I did not have a topper! My creativity kicked in and I ran for my supplies in my office and that is how I got my inspiration for diy for banner cake toppers.
I walked into my office and looked for some labels, you can use any size at all, it just depends on how big you want your banner to be. I decided I wanted a larger banner to match the cake size and that is what I created
These are the labels I used and I embedded photos on them, from my files.
Get to your computer, phone or wherever you store your favorite family or friend photos, because you are going to need it. This project is not time consuming unless you are a photo-fanatic who can’t make a decision on what photos to put on the Banner and what photos not to! I spent a bit of time, cropping, and editing, but beyond that, I literally just used photos and stuck to a theme.
My mom and my dad have birthdays that are barely a week apart, so we celebrate both at one time. My theme, was both of my parents together and us with them, celebrating their lives! As you can see I just took all different sizes of my photos and put them in there, it was easy, and again the hardest part was deciding what photos not to use, because we have so many!
Now you will need 2 Skewers of some sort, to put the banner on and then place in cake. I actually used bamboo skewers we had extras of from summer BBQ’s, making this really simplistic.
This step took no time at all and then it was time for the placing the cake topper on the cake. I did make 2 different labels, giving me both a back and a front of a cake banner, which also let me use more photos(yeah)! Drum roll please…..
The cake topper took minutes, made my parents pleased as punch as they oogled at the photos and enjoyed both the Simple Sheet Cake and the creative DIY Banner I had created. This type of banner is perfect for any holiday, any occasion and is a great way to share memories and photos that you have stockpiled! That’s it for DIY For Banner Cake Toppers as I lavishly live food and food creations out loud! ~
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