Did you know that your pet can really have a dry mouth just like humans? In fact, most don’t know that pets can get dry mouth too. After a long discussion with an employee at a local pet store, I soon learned that we can manage dry mouth for Bella the cat before it ever happens.
Today I will share with you the dry mouth red flags for pets to help you learn and manage your pet care whether dog or cat. It’s a shame our pets can’t talk and help us out, but reading is power and knowledge helps us correct potential situations! I am excited to share a few ways to give your pet great pet oral care and fresh breath!
Do you know these dry mouth red flags for pets? Lavishly live Pet Dental Health out loud and let’s learn about pets and dry mouth! I do have a few ways to help you out!
Caring for Your Pet’s Mouth Is Important and Easy
Please note, I am not a Vet or a Doctor, there are just things we have learned from our Doctor as we care for our little Bella, who is the center of affection in our home. Please make sure to ASK your doctor (VET) about the items we use for our cat to see if they could be a safe solution for yours! (disclaimer)
Those Little Sweet Mouths – Bad Breath
The barks, the meow’s the slobbery kisses, all come from your most loving pet. It’s important and easy to care for your pet’s mouth with the products we have been using and that are available. Pets like human have ‘conditions’ that require medicine.
Wait, did I really just say that? Yep! Therefore, just like in humans, pets can develop bad breath from the use of particular medicines and quite possibly have more plaque. Plaque can lead to periodontal disease and that, unfortunately, leads pet owners down a sad, dark road!
Don’t be upset, I have a few solutions we use daily to keep Bella’s mouth from stinking, I’ll help you too.
Understanding What Dry Mouth Is & How it Affects Pets
Let’s perk up this discussion a bit and talk about meds that affect the quality of saliva, or those that create Dry Mouth. Just because your pet has saliva or drool does not mean that Dry Mouth is not also present.
Bad breath is the first sign of Dry Mouth. Did you know that or did you think your kitty just had dragon breathe?
Dry Mouth is a real-life change in the quality of saliva that your pet has, and it can happen to change because of medicine. What medicines are often common Dry Mouth offenders?
The most common meds such as those for behavior, pain, incontinence, and allergies, you get the idea. If your pet is on medicines they should be using the pet product line I will introduce you to.
What I most want to explain today is that pets need oral care that balances their oral flora. Untreated Dry Mouth can lead to severe halitosis (bad bad breath), and the accumulated plaque on the pet’s teeth, which then leads to tartar and tooth decay. Bella needs cat dental care so we are excited to show you how we do this.
Pet Dental Care Products To The Rescue
Have you ever heard of Oratene® Pet Dental Care products? There are a lot of pet stores and retailers that sell this, and you can grab Oratene brushless oral care online too! Don’t forget to ask your vet if they stock it, because the fact is, some veterinarians carry them in their office!
Brushless Toothpaste Gel
Bella is a tiny little Tuxedo rescue cat and while she is loving and affectionate we were not sure how much she would like the treatment. While thankfully she is not on medicines right now, she has been before. I have heard what issues on gums can do, so we are super diligent about care for our girl!
We are being proactive and taking care of her teeth ahead of any possible issues. How does it go? ” An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?” or something close to that.
Look at those cute little teeth! Perfect as they look now, as she ages and has to take medicines, and as seasons change, she needs to keep them cared for.
Let’s be serious, she’s not going to stick her paws in there and take care of it, so we do it. Bella the cat is so mild-mannered that we clip her nails weekly and brush her teeth daily! How’s your kitty?
We put her in our lap, hold her little head (very lightly) she lets us rub her gums and then she licks it like crazy and we laugh. It’s that easy. We do this after she eats her dinner each night, like a baby getting its teeth brushed sins brushes!
This is just a 1/2″ strip and we do this 2x per day, it is that easy and the flavor must be pretty good because she licks her lips and mouth over and over, I think she believes this is a treat, lol! We are fine with this because it is 100% safe for ingestion, so lick on Bella.
Water Additive
Who’s Scared Of Their Kitties Mouth?
While you might have a fear of putting your fingers near your cat’s teeth, no worries, like I said, there’s a solution where you don’t have to get down and dirty with the gel on your finger! Our other option is the Oratene Brushless Oral Care Water Additive.
While we are traveling our pet sitter simply places the brushless oral care in Bella’s water each day and again, Bella has brushless dental care! I would not make our Cat Nanny do this to Bella, I’d rather their time be kept for snuggling. This means that the alternate is perfect too!
Oratene’s Water Additive enzyme systems inhibit odor-causing bacteria and remove plaque biofilm by rendering plaque water soluble and unable to bind to the tooth.
2 Ways One Product
If your cat does not drink a lot of water then you want to use the Brushless Gel noted above, we are lucky because Bella loves her bowls of water! I love this as well on our really busy workdays, so we have an option if I do not have time to sit and play around a lot with Bella on any given day (unfortunately life moves faster some days than others!)
The products are perfect for those who travel and have sitters, and that is why I love them because Bella’s oral health is never missed even if we are missing her!
Let’s Review These Products Really Fast Again
Here’s what I have learned in my most recent experiences with the great product and this is why I am fond of it for Bella the cat ( our kitty ). Oratene is from the developers of Biotene®. Don’t get all worried about brushing because Oratene offers brushless oral care options (as I noted above) and it contains antibacterial enzymes, found naturally in saliva.
Grab The Starter Kit

The enzymes are carefully balanced to boost and replenish saliva’s own defenses and recreate the natural oral protection found in the mouth, providing antibacterial and soothing properties. You won’t find Xylitol, Chlorhexidine, alcohol or detergents in these products!
You can feel good about using them with your pet. The nice thing about the Oratene Brushless Oral Care line is that it gives us all a nontoxic option to use on our animals of all ages. The animals that benefit the most from the use the product are those who are on meds (poor babies)
Let Them Get Their Crunch On
We use one other product daily for Bella. She loves this treat. She comes to me every single night at almost the same time (she’s like a dog) and begs. Her treats are these. Yes, I showed you them ‘just a few times’ because they are perfect to help with crunching and reduce tarter.
We use these in addition to the other product. However, I do not feed her 17 a day, not happening! She gets on average 3 a day and that’s it after all a treat is not something mass-consumed, just something that gives her a taste of the good life! Crunchy, textured snacks to help fight plaque, and they must taste great too, as she ‘begs’ for them!
Bring On The Water Please
The last thing we do, to help Bella fight dry mouth is kept water bowls in a few different places. I don’t want a toilet cat, so we have never let her drink from the toilet bowl. We do keep water bowls in a few different places around the house, so she can easily access water.
Water is inexpensive to provide and if she sees it, she’s more likely to drink it, in my opinion. Dry Mouth red flags are bad breath, tartar, and plaque. Just keep this rule of thumb: If you are giving your pet medicine, they need to be treated for Dry Mouth, staying ahead of the ‘storm’.
It’s easy, and the products are perfect for all animals. Always consult with your vet before starting your pet on anything new. See my disclaimer above. ~Dana XO
My personal thanks to Bella for posing for these pictures. We love her so! This post contains affiliate links, which means danavento.com may receive a commission on the sale if you use the link to make your purchase. This does not change the price of the product.