Fresh Herb & Breadcrumb Macaroni
Summer comes but once a year.
In all her glory, her illuminating sunlight and uninvited, but necessary rainstorms accompany her.
Those storms, bless our gardens with much-needed rain, which frees us up from watering them.
As our herb gardens flourish and the heat rises, creativity in kitchen springs alive!
Celebrate your gardening success by picking those fresh herbs (I’ll share which ones shortly).
Toss them into this dish that always pleases.
Create summer’s best fresh herb and breadcrumb macaroni with citrus sprinkles and no heat from the oven!
Make no mistake, this is not at all macaroni and cheese.
Instead, it’s a savory selection laced with the taste of fresh herbs, pan-fried breadcrumbs, and a few other ingredients that make macaroni POP!
As another option for pasta dishes, try this simple dish of summer’s best fresh herb and breadcrumb macaroni with citrus sprinkles.
Fresh Herb and Breadcrumb Macaroni
Simple and fresh.
Those words are the best descriptors of a simple ‘gotta try’ macaroni dish.
Pasta Choices
For this dish, I use elbow pasta, just so you know.
However, any small macaroni will do, such as a mini penne, or bite-size farfalle.
You can use lo-carb kinds of pasta, or gluten-free pasta, chickpea pasta, etc.
Fresh Herbs
Do you have a herb garden?
Maybe basil, parsley, oregano, or mint plant?
You are well on your way to creating this fabulous dish!
Mix your herbs up and change them up, just remember, it’s the taste that counts in the end.
Go pinch, snip and bring some herbs in, your recipe will thank you and so you will your tastebuds!
Tips for Fresh herb and breadcrumb macaroni.
Don’t over boil your pasta.
Al dente is better.
Rinse the pasta when you place it in the colander.
Splash it with a bit of olive oil too in order to keep it from sticking.
Cover the top well with the mixture and as you serve, it will mix into the pasta.
Once you’ve ‘broken’ ground on the top of the pasta (after the first 2 spoons, go ahead and mix the topping into the rest of the pasta.
Always RINSE your lemon before you grate it for zest.
Your cheese choice will make or break the taste.
Don’t opt for a strong, pungent cheese, it will ruin the flavor of all the other ingredients.
This recipe is not about CHEESE, instead it should celebrate the herbs.
RECIPE for Herb and Breadcrumb Macaroni ⇓
Summer's Best Fresh Herb and Breadcrumb Macaroni with Citrus Sprinkles
- 1 A pound of Elbow Macaroni or your choice of small cut pasta boiled, drained, Al dente and 1 Tbsp drizzled with Olive Oil
- 1/4 C Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1/4 (or less for breadcrumbs and 1/4 for drizzle later)
- 1/2 C Panko Breadcrumbs
- 1 Tsp Garlic Salt
- 1 Tbsp of Garlic Minced
- Fresh Mint about 7 leaves + 1 For Garnish
- Oregano 1 Tbsp - fresh, rinsed, and whole + reserve 2 leaves for garnish
- Basil 10 Leaves- rinsed chop 5 and leave 5 whole
- Parsley 10 leaves all chopped or whole your choice
- Mint - 10 pieces (chop 3, leave the rest whole (retain 1 for garnish))
- Fresh Milled Pepper 1 Tsp
- A Dash Red Hot Pepper Flakes optional
- 1 vegetarian vegetable bouillon
- Cup of Water
- Lemon - Rinsed then zested to 2 Tbsp
- Grating Parmesan Your Choice - fresh grate for the best taste experience
- Prepare pasta according to box instructions, cooking to 'al dente'.
- Rinse, place into a large mixing bowl and lightly drizzle with oil then toss to move oil throughout all pasta.
- Set aside.
- In a large pan/pot place on medium heat on the stovetop.
- Add a few tablespoons of Olive Oil at a time up to 1/4 C.
- Now place Panko Crumbs in.
- Lightly 'brown' turning constantly to NOT burn.
- Once browned, remove to a bowl.
- On medium-low heat, place the same pot to then prepare the herb seasoning.
- In a pot, add 2 Tablespoons from the 1/4 reserve Olive oil.
- Next, add in minced garlic.
- Place Veggie Boullion in and water.
- Then Herbs and optional Red Hot Pepper Flakes.
- Garlic will color to 'red-brown' so watch the heat and don't let it burn.
- Once the garlic is lightly sauteed, add-in water, slowly as it will spatter.
- Stir to combine well.
- Replace pasta to the pot and stir to mix from bottom to top to ensure coating pasta.
- Pasta will shade 'light red' due to bouillon (that's fine!).
- Turn off heat and allow the pasta to absorb the mixture.
- Transfer pasta to the large bowl, top with panko crumbs, then lemon, then cheese, and the reserved herb leaves for garnish.
- Serve warm.
- Refrigerate any leftovers in an airtight container.