I just sifted through what I think are 25 CD’s of photos from my boys, their ice hockey and some of their other sports and I can’t believe that I bought all these photos, that time has flown by, and we have never used them for anything! As a hockey mom, having photos is what reminds me of all the fun the kids had on the ice.
The mouthing off in the stands(shh we don’t do that) and of course all the incredible moves our kids are able to do on the ice that I don’t think I could ever do. are all part of the road to ice hockey that any ice hockey mom can tell you about! I know how to say what I want when watching the game, and now I know how to make a personalized magazine cover with my son’s career in it!
Most importantly, it is tourney time in the world of Ice Hockey and the best time of the year to take those CD’s we buy off the photographer and turn them into faux magazine covers.
I know how to make a magazine cover with my ice hockey photos and I want to share it with you. Make you kids stars off the ice and let them lavishly live out loud when you learn how to make a magazine cover with your gazillion photos from ice hockey or any other sports you are involved in.
The Beginning
Here’s the scene: He shoots an he scores! What a goal, I could hear the ‘Pa-Ting’ and then the goal sound, and wow what an amazing hockey game for my kid! Sitting in the stands, I just can’t help myself, I gush, get excited and of course scream out.
I know I should not but seriously I am a hockey mom to the core! The photographer grabbed that shot and about 10 more that we really love and they are action shots, far beyond anything I could capture.
Guess what, the next place the photo is going to be featured on is a CD that we buy and then probably featured in a storage bin at my home that houses memories. Storing great photos is not a score, or a goal, that is just ridiculous! Celebrate those photos, putting them on their own personalized magazine cover that celebrates and commemorates their time in their favorite sport!
The Steps To Getting On A Magazine Cover
You know there is no waiting line to get onto a magazine cover, in fact, you can do this all from the comfort of your home. Make a personalized magazine cover in no time, and the hardest part is going to be choosing a photo to tell the story because you probably have a lot of them! Let’s look at the steps it takes to get the next NHL hockey player on a magazine cover.
Please note these are not real covers, but fake covers that really capture the essence of your child’s ice time. Just choose the one that best fits your images, see them on the store sites, they all offer different ones.
The idea here is to provide you a few ideas on how to create a Magazine cover we have created them and they are fun.
See my pile, (this is just 1/10th of it) I could probably create a roomful of magazine covers, but all I need is one! I am about to tell the story of my child, to him, and let him remember no matter goal or no goal he rocks at a sport and give him even more confidence in his game! It’s all about reminding your kids who they are and that they contribute to a sport.
First things first, grab all those CD’s you have bought from all those hockey tourneys you go to. I love the photos, but seriously never use them beyond looking at them on the disc and lots of you are like me. Select a few poses you really love and get ready to make Magazine Cover History.
Let’s Create
You are going to make a personalized Fake Magazine cover. Yeah, I said the word Fake-you did not think the NHL came to my front door did you? Choose a photo you love, or choose 2, pick a magazine cover template then customize the default headlines to be all about your player, team or even coach.
Some of the places won’t change the covers, like it will just say SPORTS, but a place like FotoJet let’s you change ALL the front cover to personalize it and it’s fun to do.
Your child is the star of a Magazine Cover!
Grab these at Walgreen’s Just Google Walgreens + Magazine Covers etc and you will find where to make them online), Costco, FotoJet, Sam’s Club, even Walmart. These are so easy to make and look pro. The one below was custom made, not at Walgreens but they all look the same it is just what you want written on it that changes where you might buy it.
Get Personal With It Because You Can: Here’s Our Inside Joke Now Exposed!
Our inside joke in my house is my mouth. Hah, you never guessed that right? Trust me on and off ice, on and off screen, I don’t stop! My son was in the middle of a play, and suddenly, somewhere from out of blue, the puck made it into the goal. For us, writing and change on the cover was necessary, so check a place like FotoJet to do that.
His team was in the playoffs, he was definitely upset, and in a totally quiet arena just mystified as to how he missed that one, I screamed out, “shake it off MJ” and forever since have been the mouth of the south, lol! That was OUR moment and we have never stopped joking about it!
My Son’s Signature Move As A Goalie
So, as a goalie, I was just amazed at what he could do, and his move was the Frog Tongue Move. What the heck is that? I made it up based on what other parents called it. The puck was incoming and his gloved hand captured it like a frog’s tongue capturing a fly, it was smooth, fast and amazing!
The Lucky Number
You know what, most hate the number 13 and my kids LOVES it. He took it as his own, not based on a player but based against the negativity with the number, molding a negative to a postie and let me tell you he has really got this down! He now considers 13 his lucky number so look for him on the ice, you have got his number now!
My Son has now changed up his position and while he is not the goalie he is Defense! Here is what we have done to let him enjoy the photo that was captured of him.
This is going to be a full-sized poster! I can’t wait to see it. Change the color of the fonts to match the team colors, mention the player’s number, share a photo of his team, and have fun with it. Create as you go, and look at your progress, and change, change, change until of course you have the Magazine Cover.
Bring It ON
Now for the fun part, order it and wait to delight that hockey player in your life.
It is a moment captured in time, on a cover, that is yours, to enjoy, love and celebrate. For your kids it is the perfect way to provide a bit more confidence, esteem, and let them know how much they mean to you, because you are celebrating and commemorating their lives!
I am sure you will cherish it just as much if not more than I do. Get the tissue box, lol! I am stopping now because Hockey Moms don’t cry, they are hard-core moms that live for their kids and carry their torch(eye roll right)
The tourneys are coming, the photos have been taken for the team photos this year and of course you will need a coaches gift right?
Such a great set of gifts you could use to really embellish and take those photos to the next level. Make a magazine cover, personalize a magazine cover, use these for a hockey gift, or a coaches hockey gift, but don’t let the photos just sit there!
Lavishly life ice hockey and other team sports out loud, and use make yourself a great faux magazine cover.