Relaxed, adventurous, family, and friend-filled?
Maybe a mix of both!
Corolla in the Outer Banks is exactly that vacation formula, which is what makes it the perfect vacation hub on the Atlantic Coast!
Corolla is located in Currituck, Outer Banks, North Carolina, and here, you will find the vacation you are seeking!
Here, you’ll find adventures from sunrise to sunset, or tranquility under an umbrella on the beach.
I’d prefer to say, that in Corolla, North Carolina, it’s where the road ends and the off-road adventures begin!
Off-Road Wild Horse Adventures in Corolla – Where the Paved Road Ends, is simply the best way to enjoy a 4×4 on the beach while taking-in scenery and wildlife!
Wild horses roam free and playfully along the Atlantic Coastline in the Corolla.
Sometimes they emerge from the Dunes and saunter along the beach, but other days, they hide in the thick of the dunes.
Go with a healthy respect for the Colonial Spanish Mustangs and their ability to survive, and of course for shameless crazy good nature photos quests.
More than likely you will come away with an appreciation for 4WD vehicles, the beauty of the Outer Banks Dunes, and an intense love of the seeing wild horses in nature’s best setting.
Off-Road Wild Horse Adventures In Corolla
My trip was hosted, however, all opinions and photos are my own based on my experience with Corolla Outback Adventures.
Outdoor adventures never lack, nor does physical activity ranging from walking, biking, swimming, tennis, golf, miniature golf, hiking, surfing, etc.
The Outer Banks offers prime adventures of every kind for everyone!
In fact, when you are ready to take an adventure and go off-roading, I’ve found the fun!
I had 4 teens with me, and from start, to finish there were smiles on their faces.
Guess what?
Their phones were used for photos, not texting!
Corolla Outback Adventures was so close to Corolla Light, it was a perfect find!
4×4 Rides On The Beach Are Just The Start of Your Off-Road Wild Horse Adventures
Are you ready to ride on the beach in a 4×4, capture amazing photos and see wildlife up-close?
Sand dunes are merely barriers between the homes and the Ocean, and they stomping grounds of the Colonial Spanish Mustangs.
Wild Horses roam between, atop, over, and on the dunes as well as the coastline on the beach!
It actually reminded me of the donkeys that roam free in Grand Turks, these wild horses roam freely in Corolla, NC.
However, the bonus was, that I did not need a long plan ride, nor a passport to enjoy this experience!
Off-Road Wild Horse Adventures Outfitter To Seek Out in Corolla
Want to find the best adventures for your Outer Banks vacation?
The adventure outfitter to seek in Corolla is Kitty Hawk Kites.
Book with Kitty Hawk Kites and ask sign up for a wild horse adventure.
They have a lot of OTHER great adventures too, including hang gliding lessons, a must-do!
Really, your adventures in the Outer Banks are just a website click away and lets you get off the beach and visit them in other ways!
For This Off-Road Wild Horse Adventure
In fact, the bonus of this adventure is that you get to SEE and experience, rather than Drive and Worry, here’s your chance!
The vehicle we rode in was one of their brand new outback adventure vehicles.
Clean, and a seatbelt for each guest (which is a must!).
Corolla Wild Horse Adventures – The Truth About The Tour
Admittedly I was wondering if we would be packed in like sardines, even amidst COVID 19
After all, businesses need to get back on their feet, and we are supposed to be wearing masks.
Would this famed adventure qualify as ‘social distancing’ or not?
In fact, we would not be packed in with others, not with our party and we were in their brand new vehicle!
Edna our driver is posed against the brand new 4×4!
Off-Road Wild Horse Adventures in Corolla – Where the Paved Road Ends was a perfect end to a beautiful outdoor day!
Did I mention that another group traveling together for a wild horse adventure party of 5 was loaded in a different vehicle? ?
While it may not be cost-effective, for the businesses, it is better than being closed.
Truly it allows the tour to run, and keep us safe via social distance compliance.
Definitely a win, even if not the most lucrative for profits.
There are Rules To Follow No Matter When You See The Wild Horses
Did you know that there are Federal laws that protect the sanctuary and the herds?
Be compliant, by not approaching the wild horses while they are at the shoreline, and don’t feed or pet them.
Not only is this for YOUR safety, but theirs as well.
Edna stopped, explained this to these people, yet they continued.
Then again, a bit further down the beach, you can see these Wild Spanish Colonial Mustangs approaching this group, albeit unsolicited, they are too close (the horses to the people).
What To Know & What I Personally Suggest
Don’t bother with a ball cap, it will blow off.
Do use bug repellant and sunscreen BEFORE you even get there.
Carry a small sack that YOU can store between your legs or attach to the seatbelt.
Sunglasses work well.
You’ll be able to capture great photos, but remember your phones will bump and jump with you.
I would totally suggest a pop socket on a phone to hold it tight or an easy to access pocket to stow the phones.
You’ll need distance photography lenses if you are using a DSLR camera as you will not be closer to the horses than 50 feet.
There were many places that our driver could have ‘run’ through the puddles and made us wet by simply keeping pace at her speed, but she did not.
Are you a photographer or the one in the family who takes the most photos?
Take any of the 4 corner seats.
That said, remember, sand blows, use glasses to protect your eyes keep your mouths SHUT too unless you like grit, lol!
Flies bite, when you do come to a stop, so spray the bug repellant ahead (especially when you stop close to poo, sorry y’all it’s true!)
Bring a backup battery pack, because you will definitely use your phone a lot!
When you step out of the 4×4 watch what you STEP in!
Stopping To See The Horses
You will be riding along and suddenly the driver (ours was Edna) spots a Horse.
She will slow down, if the time is right, and you will be able to photograph.
Your Wild Horse Guide Is Invaluable
If on the beach, she did stop for us and allowed us the chance to photograph.
Additionally, we were always at least 50 feet away and she watched the animals in order to keep us safe while we were preoccupied photographing.
As a tourist, and animal lover, you get lost in the moment, and that extra set of eyes keeps you safe.
Animals can get aggressive even if you are keeping your 50 feet distance, and, in fact, the Stallion was NOT happy with our party!
In fact, we had something fun happen, not bad, just different.
The Stallion of the group, watching his harem, headed down, made odd noises as though agitated with us, and the got into a line formation.
Edna explained what was going on and suggested we get back into the vehicle and watch from there.
We complied.
Was the Stallion annoyed with us, possibly?
Our Background Photo
We were having our photo taken in the background the horses were against the coastline.
He came down from the dune, and was ‘nayying’.
They lined up, and heads stayed down.
After all of that happened, as mentioned, Edna, herded us back onto the 4×4.
Back in the dunes, we drove through so many unpaved roads, where 4×4’s show what they are truly made of!
Even in this laid back part of the ride, we got to admire an Osprey Nest from afar.
Photo opps abound as you drive along.
Horses In The Middle of The Road
Remember when I made reference to Grand Turks?
When we were there, donkeys were all over the roads, walking in the street, on sidewalks, etc.
Here, in the Outer Banks, Carova Beach (4 miles from Virginia), we saw this!
Yep, the wild horses just doing their thing (literally) in the middle of the street!
You can photo at a safe distance and see their beauty without bothering them!
Beach and Bumps
Get ready to bump and jump, my 4 teens LOVED this.
This beach has other 4×4’s on it, which translates to wheels in the sand, grooves!
As their tires dig in, so will yours.
Crossing the soft sand, amidst a tire groove is nothing short of bumpety-bump-bump!
WE LOVED This the teens were totally addicted and laughing after everyone.
Plus, they admired (yep!) how Edna handled that vehicle because they were watching others not able to handle their own!
FUN With Nothing More Than a Ride
Try going over and through those grooves and well you get to bump and jump in your belted seat!
Trust me, best fun!
My family was entertained with that alone, then add-in the true off-road wild horse adventure part and it was the best!
Now, there are also STUMPS on the first strand of this beach area, and trust me, you can kill your vehicle if you don’t know this.
Our skilled driver handled these like a pro!
The former ‘maritime forest’ is underwater, and the trees while dead, still have their stumps firmly planted in terra firma.
Use the time to take photos of the beach while the scenery whisks by and don’t forget to look above the dunes at the breathtaking homes.
2 Hours of Nonstop Fun
Our trip headed from near the Currituck Lighthouse (where their check-in office is) and headed north toward Carova Beach.
We closed in on the Virginia/NC border too as we went looking for wild horses that run all through the land here.
The stumps on the beach, are a testament to a maritime forest that once was and is very real for anyone NOT watching the beachline for objects.
From Ospreys to bunnies, to humans in Jeeps, you’ll see it all, including Grave Diggers home (so cool!).
For us, it was a chance to see those famed 4×4 beach homes, you can only access with a 4×4.
Whether you are seeking a ride on the beach to say, “I’ve done that!” or really want some of the best photos ops around, this is an experience you don’t want to miss.
Since parties are taken together (living in one home together, you all up to 12) can ride together.
Late afternoon seemed perfect as we spotted horses anywhere from the to of the Dunes to the Water’s edge.
Naturally, it was almost impossible to NOT get good photos.
Off-Road Wild Horse Adventure – Will I See A Lot of Wild Horses?
Being honest I NEVER saw one sign that said, ‘You Will See A Horse Guaranteed’ sign anywhere.
Instead, I booked this knowing that whether we saw horses or had a fun ride, it’s all good.
There’s no guarantee, but given the depth of the driver’s knowledge at the wild horse adventure tours, and the fact, that the horses are there, your chances are good!
We saw MORE horses on the way home than the way to.
The shoreline is where we saw the most.
Always look up in the dunes and between them.
The home above was my favorite ending story.
On the way over, the water was out, but on the way in, we could literally TOUCH the house is how close we had to HUG it to get by!
Edna was an incredible guide and driver and we had fun!
Where The Paved Road Ends, A New Adventure Begins
Keep your eyes on the unpaved roads and between the 4×4 access beach homes because they look like they are part of the homes!
Whether you see the sand dunes, or homes, shoreline, it’s adventurous.
The Old Village of Seagull Beach from the 1900’s is buried below these large sand dunes that migrate.
It’s a true story, not a myth, not a legend.
More importantly, amidst the sand dunes, are home to deer, raccoon, bobcats, red foxes, boars, and most importantly to your ride, wild horses!
You’ll learn a lot on your off-road wild horse adventure, where the paved road ends, history begins! ~Dana XO