From time to time, there are just days when I want something simple and delicious to eat.
However, what I don’t want is food that takes a lot of effort to prepare.
By and large, salads are the perfect food group for me.
In fact, when I prepare them, I add in as many healthy ingredients as possible.
Truly, I am a Trader Joe’s groupie and shop there every few days.
For me, it’s a vegetarian’s gold mine.
Shopping here inspired me to create my Avocado Lentil Salad With Feta.
Being able to find a few simple ingredients there, makes the recipe I am about to share so easily recreated in your own kitchen.
You can toss it together in a few minutes max.
My avocado lentil salad is premium tasting with delectable produce picks.
Of course, you can change out any of the ingredients and make it your own way too!
Use the avocado lentil salad as a great side dish or as the perfect meal entree.
Lavishly live food out loud and recreate my Trader Joe’s inspired Avocado Lentil Salad with Feta.
Behind the Avocado Lentil Salad With Feta
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You don’t need more than 8 ingredients and 5 of them are fresh. Get ready to make a single salad you will crave daily and can eat daily because it’s healthy.
Why I Pick What I Pick & Avocado Lentil Salad With Feta
As a vegetarian, lentils are my go-to plant-based protein, and they are chocked full of nutrition while being very versatile in recipes.
Have you bought the Trader Joe’s pre-cooked black beluga lentils?
Not sure if I could live without them.
I don’t know why anyone would pass these up, so make sure to grab these, you will love them.
Lentils & Avocado Chit Chat for the Avocado Lentil Salad With Feta
Avocados are my daily healthy fat.
There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t work avocado into a meal.
While I am in Trader Joe’s, as I pass by the avocados, I grab the Teeny Weenie ones and a bag of regular.
Greens Are Fun, Challenge Yourself in this Avocado Lentil Salad
One of my favorite parts of this salad is the baby greens I add-in.
Did you know that baby green lettuces often have more vitamins and minerals than their fully-matured counterparts?
You can find these delicious baby green lettuces at Trader Joe’s too by the bag! (rinsed and ready to go!)
The greens are all on you, what is your favorite lettuce combination?
But, I also change this recipe up a lot!
Try Kale, it’s a powerhouse of nutrients, and spinach mixed-in makes it crazy good.
Well, that’s if you are into spinach!
Don’t forget that escarole, endive and radicchio are always great options too!
My Take On Trader Joe’s
Shopping in Trader Joe’s is always a pleasure.
However, just when I think I’ve seen all their products, there’s something new.
One of my most favorite things to do is just stroll and linger, look, and buy, truly not a good thing to do in our crazy busy store, but I Do it anyway!
For this recipe, you pretty much won’t leave the produce aisle, other than for one dairy and one condiment stop, so you can get in and out fast!
Avocado Lentil Salad With Feta
Base Ingredients
Please note, the recipe prepared in this post is for a single serving.
Since the items are easy to use (packaged and cooked), I just make my salad on demand.
You could of course double up the ingredients to increase the serving size.
This Salad is Your Oyster
Make the salad you love.
Combine the greens and other vegetable elements you love.
Personally, I believe that no salad would be complete without mini pearl grape tomatoes.
The great thing about grape tomatoes in any form is that if you make a large bowl and have a tomato-hater, there is no ‘GOO’ for them to complain about.
That said, sub out others are you prefer.
Le Edamame Is What I Consider my ‘Crouton
Edamame beans are amazing in a salad, they give a soft crunchy texture against lettuce.
Lentils are always a great toss-in and chocked with protein.
Since I try to go low on carbs, these are what I consider my crouton as they offer a light crunch in the mix!
Dressing Chatter & Avocado Lentil Salad
You can opt for different dressings.
Personally, I’ve used everything from lemon and olive oil, balsamic, to the famed Trader Joe’s Orange Muscat.
Additionally, on dressings, I’ve used stevia and lemon juice mixtures too!
Avocados, Cucumbers, Crunchy Bites and Avocado Lentil Salad With Feta
Don’t forget you will want avocados for this, and bigger is not better, it’s just more!
For the crunch, you will want to add in a healthy serving of red onion, but chop that sucker up!
Round out the plate of salad with a great cheese topper, maybe Feta, or Blue Cheese or even a Gorgonzola
I’ll share my exact recipe here with you!
Trader Joe's Inspired Avocado Lentil Salad With Feta
- 3 Tablespoons Edamame Beans
- 1 Avocado HALF peeled and chunked
- A Tablespoon of Red Onion Chopped
- 1/4 C of Lentils
- Feta about 1 Tablespoon or more as desired
- A handful of Baby Greens
- 5-6 Grape Tomatoes
- 2 Tbsp of Orange Muscat Vinegar* see alternative above
- 1 Tbsp of Olive Oil* alternative above already includes this so if you choose the alternative, eliminate this and use directions above for dressing
- Salt and Pepper to taste
- Start with the Edamame. I always rinse mine, the package says, 'ready to eat' but with all of the health issues, recalls, etc. I just do that as a precautionary measure. You don't have to, but you can.
- Next, add in the onion. The dish I used is a Fiesta Medium Bowl the perfect size for a single serving that is filling. Once you get all the ingredients in there you are stuffed!
- Do you see the bottom of the bowl is filling up with great crunchy and tasty ingredients and we are not even done?
- Let's keep on adding and creating this beast of a salad! I'm hungry! Add in the lentils.
- *Rinse the lentils in a strainer. I find it easier to separate them from the vacuum pack.
- Some will come out 'not so pretty' but they are going in a salad and will taste the same!
- Mix them with the edamame and the red onion and let's add in more ingredients!
- Fast and easy. Take the chunks of avocado and add them to the mixture.
- Do make sure to mix well.
- Generally speaking, I suggest using a fork because the tines make it faster and won't squash things, unlike a spoon.
- Next, add in the mini pearl grape tomatoes. I slice them in half.
- As a matter of fact, you do not have to slice these into pieces, you could also leave them whole.
- Truly a personal choice. Without delay, mix and then add in the baby greens.
- Don't forget the Feta.
- Before I add the greens I either rip them or use kitchen scissors to cut the pieces smaller.
- Again, this is optional, just what I do.
- Add your dressing, the vinegar, and oil and if you want to add in salt and pepper go for it.
- A light dash of salt and pepper it in will be fine, no worries.
- Just use a light hand as it is a single serving.
- What's left? Just to enjoy this delicious salad.
- It's truly a powerhouse of nutrients and healthy fats.
- Dig in, sit back and enjoy, you've earned it. So yummy right?
These are the package items I purchase for the salad
16 oz container of Trader Joe's Mini Pearl Grape Tomatoes (you can sub other tomatoes if they are out of these)
A container of Cooked Edamame Beans (snap-top plastic container in photo)
Trader Joe's Steamed Lentils - One Package
A Bag of Trader Joe's Avocados (whatever size you prefer)
Bottle of Trader Joe's Orange Muscat Champagne Vinegar*
*Alternatively, if you want it to be sugar-free (use a packet of stevia, 2 Tbsp Lemon Juice and 1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil).
Whole Red Onion (peeled, chopped and in a storage container)
Trader Joe's Feta Cheese
Baby Greens by the bag in Trader Joe's Produce Section (you can sub in Trader Joe's Arugula too)
Salt & Pepper To Taste
A Bottle of Trader Joe's EVOO*
Use it at your parties, as a side dish to dinner or as your main meal.
Increase the recipe size for parties and decrease it to make daily servings.
The flexibility and the pure, rich, healthful ingredients make this a perfect recipe. ~ Enjoy! DANA XO ~