Aruba Jeep Tours ~ are a fabulous way to experience the rugged, captivating natural side of Aruba, Arikok National Park, as well as the Northeastern town of Noord, and a quick trip through Arishi beach and Arishi Dunes, in an open-air Jeeps as a group, without having to drive, instead, you will be riding on a Jeep safari tour with guides, but hang on Betsy, because it’s scraggy terrain, aggressively bumpy, and often comes with the side of free muddy puddle showers that should definitely NOT be missed.
Get ready for some pulse-pounding fun, offering wave-crazed coastlines, collapsed natural bridges, and ruins that can bump the words right out of your mouth, are you ready to go hard today into the craggy North Coast of Aruba?

Our adventure was hosted opinions, images,& stories based on my personal experience and are ALL subject to copyright. Affiliate links within disclosure here.
Why You’ll Love This Rugged Aruba Adventure?
Unlike the more domesticated side of Aruba, lined with high rise and low rise resorts, where the end of the resorts are met with incredible beach areas, the polar opposite exists on the North Coast of Aruba.
I term it the split personality of Aruba, where the adrenaline craving side of you meets untamed natural adventures and no resorts!

- you are not driving an ATV or a UTV
- the professionally guided and driven tour provides a fun, craggy, and natural open-air experience while you are a passenger, not a driver
- it’s a 1/2 day so you can enjoy the ‘other’ side of Aruba and then get back to your beach and resort without missing much
- the tours go rain or shine
- great for families with kids starting at about 10 and up
- you will see a lot in a short period of time!

Who Would Love The 1/2 Day Aruba Natural Coast Adventure?
There’s not a particular kind of person that would take this rugged Aruba adventure.
So when you are ready to take on Aruba one bounce or dip at a time try this tour!

- Anyone who wants to discover more about Aruba
- Those who want adventure but don’t want to drive because they prefer to experience it while gazing
- Families who prefer to not rent several ATVs and UTVs because they can’t stay together or have too many younger members
- Anyone who wants to make sure they have a checkmark in many of the top places to see and experience
- Those who want a guides knowledge of what they are seeing rather than just seeing without knowledge
- When you have just a pocket of time to fill and you really want to see a lot
Trip Essentials To Bring Along On The Aruba Jeep Tours
Remember, you are traveling in an open-aired Jeep and you have the potential to lose antying that is not secure including a hat (we did, but it was an old hockey team hat from a team we no longer played on so it didn’t matter!)
I’ve made a complete store with many items for an Aruba Vacation that you can browse through, it’s items we found useful on our trip.
- The golden rule on this rugged Aruba Safar tour is that less is more so do plan accordingly.
- Dress in swim attire, and bring a towel. (the Natural Pool )
- I suggest sunscreen before you go, instead of lugging it.
- More importantly, bring money (cash works best). Along the way, you will make stops where you can eat, and purchase souvenirs (Lighthouse and Gift Shop)
- Cash because…you need a few dollars to use the bathrooms at the Natural Bridge, so shove cash somewhere.
- More cash to TIP your drivers, they are going to give you the adrenaline rush you will crave again!
- Sunglasses with STRAPS to secure them, and yes sunglasses are very helpful and important because of sand, debris, and the sun!
What Will you See On The North Coast Of Aruba in 4 Hours?
You will find that there are a lot of things to see and do while you are on the tour, and you will have the chance to experience a lot of the adventures.

Here are the stops we experienced.
- Natural Pool in Arikok Park Aruba
- Blackstone Beach and the Trinity National Bridge
- Aruba’s California Lighthouse
- Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins
- Collapsed Aruba National Bridge
- Alto Vista Chapel
Aruba’s Natural Pool in The National Park
A great experience and the ascent to arrive at the Natural Pool in Aruba is an adenure on its own.
Once you are there you can expect captivating voews from above and an extended walk to the pool from the top descending on steps that take about 5-10 minutes to get down to in order to arrive right at the pool.

The drivers are constantly monitoring the Natural Pool conditions.
Expect that you might not be able to swim in the Natural Pool due to rough conditions, it’s for safety reasons.
To be in front of the waves in this area, is to understand how the area is such an attraction, yet not really fit for swimming (except in the pool there).

The bouncy and bountiful rocky terrain approach to the Natural pool was crazy fun and the beginning of …more to come!
Aruba’s Natural Pool Waves Are Everyone’s Seductive Mistress

The pounding intense and powerful waves are a seductive mistress who keeps calling you using her entrancing white fury foam, combined with her power to actively reach out to you with incredidbly dramatic entrances, wave after wave is easily not easily forgotten as it is continous, strong and forever at your feet, sweeping in and out with her force always touching you with spray, mist or the water at your feet, attempting to lure your feet forward to succumb to natures most wild moments! ~ Dana XO
Blackstone Beach As Force Not To Reckon With
Here is where I learned HOW Rugged and ROUGH the water in the area is on this coast and right after a storm!
When you are here you are in Santa Cruz, Aruba and your closest beach is Noordcap.

Blackstone Beach was a really great experience for both scenery and photographs. Pay attention at ALL points in time to the water behind you.
The currents are strong and the waves surge, especially when you are just taking pictures in the cove and I’ll share first hand that I had my own issues.
So when I was being photoed the water literally pulled me backward so hard, I got knocked on my ‘@#s’ and had ALL I could do to trudge forward and out!
So wicked is as wicked does I recomposed myself, trudged hard forward, and got to shore, to take a few other photos!
The Trinity Natural Bridge At Blackstone Beach
Our guide took us below the bridge where the water ushers in and out, and that was a cool experience, and others stayed above to take photos on the bridge itself.

To get below the bridge is a bit more difficult and should really only be done if the water is not high and rushing in.

To walk onto the natural bridge is not a struggle it is very easy.

The Aruba Natural Bridge That Collapsed
Now here is another natural bridge but it collapsed in 2005.

Do follow the instructions and don’t go beyond the signs, and you can see why in the photos!

But don’t just hang here, go around the back of the gift shop building that is also situated here for some wave-smacking small pond, photo shoots!
Really there is more to see, so keep looking and don’t take too long inside at the gift store, as the tour gives you time, but it is not endless!

One more look at the coastline before we move on. I have a completely new respect for fury of the sea!

Bushiribana Gold Mills Ruins On the Fly
The beach area along this run is very bumpy, almost more so than the rocky terrain we already covered.
Don’t expect to stop here as it is more of a drive-by than a stop!

When you hit a DIP, you will literally dip and bump high even in a seat belt.
We watched a couple of people holding on to their kids because even with a fastened seatbelt there’s just no holding down. WOW!
Blink and you might not see the Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins.
Make sure you are seated on the end seat (driver side) to get a good photo!
Watch the wind here as it has been known to take a few ‘hats’ off those wearing them.
Bumps along this ride, on the beach, are included, lol!
Hold on tight, you are almost at the last stop and then, there are no more bumps, jolts, seat-flying fun as it’s back to civilization.
Alto Vista Chapel
I always find at least one church at every vacation destination and when I do, I stop and say that prayer, gain a wish.
Remember, every time you visit a new church, to make a travel wish.

The Alto Vista Chapel is along the way, and you can walk through the Labyrinth.
Stopping here, you might get to experience a small souvenir and beverage stop depending on it if it is set up in the parking lot!

The California Lighthouse
Once of the most spectacular backdrops, views whatever you want to call it. Amazing vantage point photos are avilable at the California Lighthouse if you go into the restaurant which we did!

Just as it is gorgeous on with the panoramic view, outside the attraction itself is awe-inspiring against a solid blue sky!

Stunning? Is that an understatement. When the Aruba sky is blue and clear, it’s picturesque and gorgeous.
There were a lot ofpeople in the area, and it was just late morning, so perhaps an early morning visit would have been better?

Jeep Safari Tour Aruba FAQs
Here are some questions we had and some questions our friends had, so I’ve attempted to answer them based on what we learned, but you can find more on the Depalm Tour website and by asking, just like we did!
Do I Drive My Own Jeep On The Jeep Safari Tour Aruba?
No. These Jeep tours are with a guide in an open-aired Jeep that looks like a safari Jeep and they will take you to the top destinations.
Do The Aruba Jeep Tours Offer More Than 1/2 Day Tours?
Yes. You’ll need to check with each tour operator for their different options.
Can I Swim In the Natural Pool in Arikok Park Aruba?
Yes. And No.
Depending on the weather, and the waves (tides) will depend if you can. When the tides are too high, you won’t be able to swim. However when the tides aren’t smashing over the rocks, as they were when we were there, you can swim!
Does the Open-Aired Jeep Safari Tour Aruba Drive You Right To The Natural Pool?
The open-aired Jeeps park abeve the Natural Pool area, you will them walk down akward steps, grooves in the rock, not actual steps, it is more of a downhill path, required more than just flip flops.
Can I Ride on The Aruba Jeep Safari If I Am Pregnant?
No! The ride is over incredibly craggy and mountainous terrain, and the beach areas along the way to the ruins often hit hard and create you to take flight while seatbelted, therefore this is not a ride for anyone that is pregnant.
Do You Have A Restroom Stop While On the 4 Hour Aruba Jeep Safari?
Yes. You’ll get to stop at a very clean gift shop, and rest stop. Do plan on paying to use the bathroom. The reststop is located at the collapsed Aruba Natural Bridge area so you can have fabulous photo opps, a rest stop and refreshments before moving on to the last few attractions.
Are There Other Jeep Tours That Are Longer In Aruba?
Yes. Check The DePalm Tours Website For Other Options.
Do I Need To Make Reservations In Advance For The Jeep Tour Adventures in Aruba?
Does The Tour Operator For the Aruba Jeep Safari Pick Us Up At Our Resort?
Yes. Do check with the website to see which hotels they pick up from to make sure yours is on the list.
Will The Tour Operator Pick Us Up At Our Cruise Terminal and Drop Us Back Off?
If It Rains Do Tours By Jeep Safari Cancel?
Yes. The tours go rain or shine and run 365 Days a year, 7 days a week!
Do I Need To Tip The Guides?
Yes. You will have a wonderful trip and they work hard to ensure your safety and provide lots of insight, so it would be a good thing to do, even though it is not required.
Does The Aruba Safari Tour Provide Water?
No. Bring your own bottled water or purchase it at the rest stop.
Is Cliff Jumping Part Of This Tour?
We Have Children Under 4 Can We Bring Them On The Jeep Safari Aruba Ride?
No. Unless you plan on buckling the child on your lap, it is a very rough ride and you hit patches where you literally will be bounced out of your seat as well as the terrain (steps) to the Natural Pool are uneven and the pool is not always calm or easy to swim in, plus it can be quite a trek down with unstable footing below, and you have to go back up those same steps.
Can I Capture Great Footage From The Open-Aired Safari Jeep in Aruba?
Yes. BUT you I’d advise a Go-Pro with stabilization and a gooseneck holder because you’ll probably need to hold on and you definitely won’t be holding your camera as you get jostled around and hit bumps pretty much nonstop.
Is There Anyone Who Should Not Ride The Rugged Off-Road Aruba Safari Experience?
Yes. If you ohave pre-existing back and neck conditions, or kidney issues, you don’t want to take this tour, as there are unedning bumps, jiggles, dips, and rocky, scraggy terrain covered. Again, anyone who is pregnant and children under 6. Do check with the DePalm Tours Office or more info.
Things To Know About The Open-Air Safari Vehicle On The Rugged Aruba Adventure
- your seat choice matters and unless you really want to FLY Out of your seats or feel the biggest of the bumps and dips, don’t sit in the last row.
- For those that really don’t want to get wet (when on the safari ride during or just after rain) when you go through these massive puddles atop the gigantic rocks, then sit inward in your row, otherwise you WILL GET Wet!
- When you begin your journey to the Natural Pool, you will have a very different affection for a seatbelt.
- The boulders get bigger, the bounces get harder and the experienced drivers have fun with it.

What I Never Expected And Learned After Our Aruba Jeep Tours Adventure
Not once during planning did I consider the different terrains in Aruba, insttead I’ve always just considered Aruba for it’s fun beaches.
The one thing we did right was reserve this adventure and enjoyed the split personality of Aruba.
Seeing a teen smile from start to fnish was definitely a MOM win.
There is a lot more to experience than a beach on the Island of Aruba!
Bonuses For Your Group Jeep Adventure In Aruba Offers Free Fun Too!
There are plenty of FREE bonuses on the tour, so take full advantage of them and enjoy your vacation.
- dips and bumps along the beach ride that will have you BOUNCING up in your seat
- smashing waves that bypassed the term gentle years ago and command your attention as they fire off with water mist as they soundly and behemoth perform second after second
- unbelievable natural surroundings from beaches to bridges and natural pools
- laughs and giggles and smiles from the fun along the way
Yes, and the next time I would opt with the other parts we did not see.
You will get dirty, and be windswept, misted with saltwater, sand and enjoy big bold waves.
Pull your hair up, wear your swimsuit, and have the best half-day ever! ~ Dana XO
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