Sometimes life just has a way of doing what it wants, rather than playing by my rules. When life took over the steering wheel on my son’s birthday and ended us up at the hospital rather than at home and going out on fun planned outings that day, I had no way to prepare his allergen-free birthday cake. I had to really get creative and grab my son’s favorite and allergen-free donuts for his birthday. Did you know that you can have donuts for birthdays rather than a traditional cake. I decided to substitute donuts for a cake because there simply was no time to bake and most places have dangerous ingredients for my son who has severe food allergies. The quickest solution was a DIY that I came up with when I considered some of his favorite foods, and remembered that he loves himself a good donut! Here’s my quick how to use donuts for birthdays rather than a traditional cake, as I lavishly live life out loud.
Donuts For Birthdays
It was not until about 4pm that afternoon that we were able to leave the hospital and I knew I could never get a cake baked for my son on time. I prepare most of his foods at home, as he has such severe food allergies. Tired, and beat up from the full day we had already had, I put my chef’s thinking cap on and figured out how to save the day so he could still have Happy Birthday Sung to him on some form of a cake. Did there really need to be a cake or was there a quicker way to serve up a birthday with a different favorite food, after all we had used an OREO one year with a candle.
Since I know where I can buy his donuts safely, I decided that the quickest and safest thing to do to ring in his birthday was just to grab donuts for his birthday. I ran out, and purchased his favorite, allergen free donuts and then back home to get ready for his party.
To create a donuts for birthdays tray, all you need are candles, donuts and a great looking tray. Layer the donuts so they look nicely presented and add a candle to each donut, making it look even more festive.
Adding in a bit more fun, we made it an Avengers Party with fun party supplies from Birthday Express, after all what is a party without a theme right? That mountain of donuts needed a super hero-sized appetite to eat through it so we just chided him on by decorating with Avengers Assemble party wares.
I decked out the table with Avenger Assembles Lunch Napkins, Pez Assortments, Dessert Plates, Dinner Plates, 9 oz Cups, and a printed tablecloth.
This momma wanted an easy clean up after a birthday dinner bash and Birthday Express made it possible. We even got ribbon that was royal blue and red to match the table. While there were latex balloons, as you know my son is latex allergic so I could not use them. Of course we made sure we grabbed thank yous while we were ordering so his grandparents, aunts and uncles could have a Super Hero Thank YOU.
I presented this on a pretty plate(trust me I could have put this on a piece of tin foil and he still would have been happy) and then we sang. It is so easy to use donuts for birthdays, rather than baking or getting a cake, plus, they are portion-controlled and there won’t be tempting cake leftovers calling my waistline and everyone else’sin the house. Here’s to lavishly living birthdays out loud and enjoying donuts for birthdays.