My secret elixir of Puerto Vallarta was made possible from a trip I was on recently and got deathly ill.
However, I was NOT drunk, I was dehydrated from food on a buffet as were a few other people. We discussed this at the pool the next day!
Secret Elixir of Puerto Vallarta – Ole To Feeling Better
Travel is a blast and I love when I travel to other countries, states, and destinations and learn secrets.
Sometimes I learn things that really amaze me and other times it’s like, “I already knew that!” Puerto Vallarta has so much to offer and the Secret Elixir of Puerto Vallarta is amazing.
One night I was not feeling so well, not sure if it was too much sun, food, or a good mix of both, but my stomach really was not working.
I will tell you that after sitting at the pool the next day with a few other couples, I found out everyone had eaten the same stuff and it had to be the seafood that made us ALL ill!
Anyway, a very kind soul took me under her wing, treated me with totally natural items which allowed me to feel so much better.
Let’s take a look at the secret elixir of Puerto Vallarta and lavishly live travel and tummy issues out loud.
Secret Elixir of Puerto Vallarta for upset stomachs
Upset bellies are no fun thing whether too much alcohol or the wrong foods or maybe too much sun.
Getting better fast on a vacation or even in everyday life is necessary so you can get back to yourself.
Unfortunately, as I mentioned about the 3rd day of our trip in Puerto Vallarta I fell quite ill and by night I was about to keel over.
We still went out and about but I was so sick.
Our guide on our tour helped me, she knew just what to do.
The Secret Elixir Mixture
Consider party weekends, playoff games, Cinco De Mayo, holidays, birthdays and suddenly you have a plethora of reasons to sling a few backs.
One after the other, drinks just slide down mindlessly when you are chatting with friends and families and hanging out.
Before you realize it you are in need of a cure for that alcohol.
While it might taste good and initially ‘buzz’ you from our planet for a little, you gotta come back down to earth. Hangovers suck, and truly you do not want to suffer from an upset stomach and headaches.
You do not need to be a mixologist to get this one right. Trust me, I am not a mixologist but I can do this. This is about getting the right mixture of sparkling water and sodium back in your body.
Any time you overdo it, you can use this and I can tell you will feel 100% almost immediately. I had it when in Mexico as referenced above and well it worked its magic.
1 Lime Wedge
1 Tsp of Table Salt (the Mediterranean is good, regular is fine)
1 Bottle of Sparkling Water (sparkling mineral water with recloseable lid)
Mix the salt in a bit make sure to not make it explode (open slowly)
Drink with small sips.
Use The Secret Elixir For …
Upset Stomaches
Too Much sun and not enough liquid
Motion Sickness
Now that I look back at this moment I remember someone else stating that they were sick from riding to San Sebastian and others who had too much sun and all were given the same remedy from other guides in Puerto Vallarta.
This magical potion definitely cured my tummy blues so bookmark this page so you will have it for future reference.
Lavishly live travel out loud and don’t let an upset stomach stop your travel!