You might wonder what it is we do when we travel abroad, and how we keep so busy? We never let the dust settle under our feet, because my belief is just because we are on vacation does not mean it is time to sleep, rather it is time for adventure. Often, I am met with some moans and groans but once we start into the early adventures everyone becomes so enthralled and enthused that getting them to part from the activities is the hardest part. Travel is fun especially when you have never experienced some of these cultural options that are only available when you travel. Some say anywhere you go when you get off the ship/cruise is a tourist trap but is it not that you are a trapped tourist if you just stay on the ship? Here’s how we lavishly live life when we travel and this is our visit to the Tequila Factory Tour In Cozumel. This is the Mi Mexico Lindo Tequila Tour, and it is a lot of fun.
The tour we went on was requested by us, we wanted to see the Tequila Factory and in fact we got a little bit more than we even knew we would. The Tequila factory that Tours Plaza took us too also offered a bit of culture, and Mayan history which actually brought everything together for my kids. We learned how the Mayan civilization became, what foods they created, and what the Agave fibers were used for. In addition, the Tequila that is sold here is sampled and it is created from Organic Agave.
Here is the video of the tour so you can see some of it to know if you might want to go. There were many families coming and going while we were there, so it is a ‘trending’ place to go. Definitely make sure you have plenty of 1’s in your pocket as this little tour will cost you tips but it is quite interesting, unlike some we have been on before.
We watched Chocolate become created and we tasted delicious corn tortillas hand ground and made right on the premises!
You might ask what the cost was, in fact, it is minimal. We tipped each of the performers or cultural specialists as you see in the video they have tip jars and beyond that if you wanted to pay for a bottle of Tequila you can and they wrap it and send it off with you to the ship. This tequila does not BURN On the way down, and the taste testing is what really makes this fun. Yes we tasted each of those, one by one in little shot glasses and had a LOT of fun doing so. We were not driving we had a private driver so we took full advantage of a fun tour. This was a great souvenir.
We paid about $60 for a nice bottle of tequila and it is unlike anything we can buy here so it is the perfect souvenir for us, but you don’t have to buy any! They wrap it up for you, so you don’t have to worry about packing it and trust me it is wrapped tight inside of bubble wrap. We turned it over to the ship when we got on and they gave it back to us as we left! The tour itself is educational, fun and a great way to learn more about the Mayans and how they are part of the Cozumel Culture. If you don’t want to buy tequila the tour is still great for learning about the culture, agave, and getting to sample corn tortillas and it is just a few bucks in tips. From here we went to the beach and shopping. Lavishly live a trip to the Tequila Factory Tour In Cozumel out loud and enjoy travel.
Where have you been in Cozumel and What have you done that is different? I’d love to hear.