I am sure so many of you have steered away from warehouse clubs because you have heard horror stories of over-spending, over-buying, and waste, but that is just all nonsense. Those of you that run your home understand your budget and you know that keeping a home stocked up is a costly venture.
You are a planning machine who heeds to budget when you shop for all things home from tires to food and you already know that shopping retail can be costly. Combatting expenses by purchasing items at a lower price than the average retail store is just one great way to get a handle on your budget, but there are other ways to get a handle on your food and lifestyle expenditures and it’s all through membership.
A phrase we have all heard throughout our lives is that ‘Benefits come with membership’ so let me share with you 3 benefits of a warehouse club membership and how you can shop with convenience and savings on a weekly basis. Lavishly live shopping out loud for food, clothing, tires, tech and so much more with my personal knowledge in warehouse club shopping.
When you travel off to the grocery store, you might use coupons to drive a particular purchase down, and that’s all good, but it takes time to do this. Often brands we love have inflated prices in the retail realm but can cost so much less if bought in a warehouse club.
Families need items, like toilet paper, paper towels, paper plates, fruits, veggies, and so much more, and what if you could often pay HALF of what you are paying now just for buying an increased amount that you will need anyway?
I won’t sell you on being in love with buying bulk, but I will tell you that buying things in bulk like toilet paper, paper towels, applesauce packs and pasta can save you hundreds of dollars a year and these are things that don’t go bad with a short shelf life.
Warehouse shopping is about your truest understanding of what your family consumes, how often they consume it and how much you are paying out of pocket in traditional retail locations versus what you can pay at a warehouse club.
If I had a dime for every time I have heard this saying, “Membership has its benefits” I might be very wealthy. In fact, there are no words that ring truer when it comes to a memberships at the warehouse clubs, like Sam’s, BJ’s Costco, etc. You will save money on your grocery and non-grocery items and your savings will be in your monthly and yearly checkbook reconciliation statements.
Travel and 3 Benefits of Warehouse Club Membership
With a membership, you can shop at any of their clubs across the USA & Mexico and the commonality from store to store makes it easy to shop. Let’s say you are headed out on vacation and you have rented a home and you are in Mexico, Cabo San Lucas. Right behind one of the condo complexes sits a Sam’s Club.
Take a shopping trip there to stock up on those products you will need for that month that you are there, no need to worry about locating your favorite items, your trusted brands are here as well, even if they are scribed in Spanish.
Are you wanting fresh berries, milk, eggs, and meat to grill? The clubs have it all and it is trusted around the USA & in Mexico too, so head there and fill your cart, and suddenly your grocery shopping is complete. No need to figure out if a store has proper refrigeration temperatures or if the food is safe to the consumer, just buy it, because the clubs are selling trusted brands with incredible shopping facilities. Vacation just got easier right?
When I am on the road, we love coming to a Club because with your membership you can head to the pumps and pay LESS for gas. I did say that I pay less for gas and that is a consumable people on the road definitely need and one that truly can impact your cost of travel.
I never worry if I am getting a good grade of gasoline or if I am getting the best price. Warehouse clubs, as a rule of thumb, offer the best and most competitively priced gasoline. My membership gives me access to this great pricing. ‘Membership has its benefits’ as I fill up for an average of .10 less and often even more.
As renters of beach homes, we often assume that the home is stocked with more than it is, and this becomes troublesome when we need to head to the beach. We know we can count on the warehouse club to find our beach wares during the season or if we are in need of coffee to stock up the house or even toilet paper. Things we truly need as we travel are all available at the warehouse club at great, competitive pricing.
Travel is easier when you have a club membership tucked into your pocket and set to use. Fill up on food and gas and all your travel needs with convenience and savings! Lavishly live travel out loud as you use Travel and 3 Benefits of Warehouse Club Membership. ~Dana