My laundry room/mudroom needs a little TLC!
When I reached my tipping point of disorganization in the laundry room it was time for a laundry room makeover!
My Useful Laundry Room Makeover
The mudroom is my catchall room and it has to be functional for 5 people and a cat!
The laundry room is the epicenter of the home.
By and large, the laundry room is Vento basecamp for dirty laundry, stripping down to the skivvies after an outside battle that you lost to the weather, and a cat’s retreat room.
It’s the catch-all entrance and it needs to be organized and allow me to function better than it currently is.
Efficient + Useful Laundry Room Makeover Ideas
After surveying what I will term ‘the dumping grounds, a laundry room makeover with style was born.
The typical redo is not what I had in mind.
Instead, I preferred a shopping trip online with my favorite brand for organization!
Since, making over a room is already a lot of work, simple shortcuts like I am about to share really make a huge difference!
Laundry Room Makeover With Style
Every DIY turns my home into what I want, not what we built!
This is my ongoing story.
The laundry room is the center of so much activity from storage of cleaning goods, to the tossing of shoes, and housing to the washer and dryer.
My before and after for creating a laundry room makeover with style is fast, easy, and in my opinion impressive.
Welcome To My Laundry Room Makeover Because Chaos Lives Here!
Welcome to the entrance of my chaos.
Our laundry room is the hub of the entrance to the home, where service people trot through, and also the place where we unload our groceries.
The laundry room takes on nasty smelling hockey gear, odor-ridden cat litter, dirty rags, and stinky socks!
So far, I have painted the room and added cabinetry.
Additionally, we added a hanging shelf.
However, this is still not enough modifications to make a difference in my room.
Therefore, I am making it over to function with a side of style!
Efficient Laundry Room Makeover Ideas With A Side of Style
Storage = organization and personalization = direct orders of where to dump, place, and lay otherwise ‘tossed’ items.
I like things easy and creating this DIY was the best thing I could have done.
Everyone in the house can read so they know where to put every and anything and the ground does not count!
The Untamed Mess Before The Laundry Room Makeover
Here’s what I am working with inside of my laundry room at current.
Pretty much a jumble of anything in my way.
I gotta tell you, I thought I had a well-organized situation.
However, one day, I walked into the room, looking for something in particular, and could not locate it.
That was the straw that broke the camel’s back or so the saying goes!
It was time to go full throttle into a DIY to gain the organization of the room and all its contents!
Before and After the Laundry Room Makeover
So to get to the point, if your laundry room looks like mine you need to organize your laundry room and the mess is why I did.
To contain the mess and disorganization I made sure to have containers that would present well, yet still allow me to easily get to what I needed!
I’ll share the items I used on the hanging rack to achieve organization. ↓
Rectangles and Top-A-Tote Lids
On the far right, you can see a rectangle container with a lid, it’s also called ‘Your way Rectangles’.
This allowed me to clear the clutter and clean out what I didn’t need and then whatever remained went in here!
Since this room has NO windows I used green to freshen it up and lighten it up!
I want the room airy and clean-looking.
Uncluttering the top rack was essential.
The fact that I can see in that window makes it possible to know what I have and use it!
Put A Lid On Storage with Less Used But Needed Items
The steamer I used was showing, and why should it be?
I got it a lid and a Your Way Cube and suddenly I was off to the races in style and organization.
Everything from the steamer appliances to the steam covers is in there so no one sees it! (second in from the right side)
Toss Items In Organized Bins
Bandanas are an everyday thing for my husband and my boys use them for sports, so we have a lot of them.
A Catch-All-Bin is the solution.
The issue I run into on a daily with bandanas is the fact that when they are done in the dryer no one wanted to toss them where they should go.
Problem solved!
The top of the bin is opened and the Catch-All-Bin is labeled, direct communication like having me say, “put it here” yet I never opened my mouth! (Far Left)
A Bag for Rags And Just Rags
Try these Quick Cinch Thermal
I heart the Quick Cinch Thermal in so many ways because I can either Cinch the bag shut after tossing ‘RAGS’ into it or I can fold the cinch cuffs down and leave it open.
Truly a style piece and a way to ensure the boys will just toss ‘RAGS’ into this right from the dryer rather than into piles on the kitchen floor! (marked RAGS)
Often when I am cleaning or outside doing tasks, I need rags, so this works perfectly and there’s no way to NOT know what is in that bag, it is labeled!
Essential Storage Tote
Love on this Essential Storage Tote is a versatile piece, as it holds what I need from day to day rather than one specific item.
Today it is up top with a few oddities I discovered while cleaning and had nowhere to stow them. (2nd in from left)
Dirty Laundry Needs A Place Too
In an effort to dissuade my children from simply plunking their clothes on the floor after disrobing!
NO more floor tosses, sorry guys!
My solution…Thirty-One item!
The Stand Tall Bin is the workhorse in disguise in the laundry room.
No more clothing on the floor, and that is clearly stated on the bag as I had it monogrammed ‘Deposit Only’!
No. 6: Use Your Wall Space Adding a Pocket Organizer
Hang-It-Pocket Organizer – charcoal hatch
Odds and ends are in here as is my son’s Epi-Pen, we needed a hub for this rather than just on a table.
This corner in the laundry room is never functional, so between the Stand Tall Bin and the Hang-It-Pocket Organizer (Charcoal Crosshatch), it’s a center for catching the daily flow of stuff!
Also, look for the Thirty-One Organizing Zipping tote, it will help you store the odds and ends, and since it zippers all contents stay inside!
No. 7 > Organize Inside the Cabinets using Mini Storage Bins
Mini Storage Bins – Woodblock Whimsy
My cabinet keeps a lot of amazing products.
However, since I can not see them, I can’t use them!
Time to get organized.
To get my room pulled together, I used the Thirty-One Mini Storage Bins to do so.
There is just enough room in these to keep what you need.
I took the hint from the size and discarded any stuff we had not used in neons.
No. 8 Essential Storage Tote : Organize your laundry room
If you love the colors I have you’ll love Charcoal Crosshatch!
Just look at options for the Essential Storage Tote prints and I am sure you will find one you love!
How many ways do I love the Essential Storage Tote that offers endless storage usage, especially as a ‘hiding spot’ for when the unexpected drop in?
In case you do not know what piece I am talking about it is on TOP of the washer.
Undoubtedly you noted the HOME on it, but did you really look?
It has my STATE (Commonwealth) on it Pennsylvania and it is in Black and Gold (Pittsburgh Sports Teams).
Our Home is the ICON-ITS design.
Quick Cinch Thermal – Under the Laundry Tub No. 9
Another Quick Cinch Thermal is in the laundry room.
Look under my laundry tub.
The detergent has a place and does not sit scattered about the floor.
What a quick way to tidy up the floor space.
The functionality is perfect!
In particular, it will never be out again, and it will continue to look neat and tidy.
Efficient Laundry Room Makeover Ideas
I am all for keeping the laundry room, light and airy.
Monogramming in Citron ‘V’ ‘Rag Bag’ truly POPS the colors in the room paint and pulls it all together.
Trust me, I did this DIY in a few hours.
Remember, weed through your stuff, then toss and donate.
It was time for a fresh start and organization is key.
You too can find all the lavish pieces to create your own laundry room makeover with the style of items like these.
Get online, shop, and get organized. ~Dana XO
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