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As someone who struggles with anxiety, I know the importance of finding ways to reduce stress in my life. Finding ways to reduce stress has been a lifelong journey, and after years on medications for anxiety, I decided to beat stress naturally.
![7 Best Ways To Reduce Stress 1 reduce stress naturally](https://danavento.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/BEST-WAYS-TO-REDUCE-STRESS-1-550x550.jpg)
I’ve had to find what works for me and what doesn’t. I’ve tried everything from medication to yoga to aromatherapy. The reality is there is no one-size-fits-all solution to reducing stress. What works for someone else may work better for me. And that’s okay. Everyone needs a way to cope with the stress in their lives.
Stress has become an inescapable part of everyday life. We experience it when we’re stuck in traffic, in a grocery store line waiting to check out, dealing with personal loss, family tragedies, difficult bosses, and owning our pronoun.
There’s no real way to eliminate every source of stress that hampers our well-being, but we can do plenty of things to manage and naturally reduce mental stress, which is very important.
Today I’ll share some general tips that help reduce stress for most people.
Table of Contents
Tips On How TO Naturally Reduce Mental Stress
Stress has become an inescapable part of everyday life. We experience it when we’re stuck in traffic, during retail store lines to check out, dealing with personal loss, family tragedies, demanding bosses, and owning our pronoun.
There’s no natural way to eliminate every source of stress that hampers our well-being. However, on the flip side of this journey, goodness awaits because there are many different options to manage stress and anxiety healthily and more naturally.
It’s best to get a leash around the amount of stress entering our lives because too much pressure can create health issues, anxiety, and depression, as well as heart attacks and strokes.
Simple tips to naturally reduce mental stress and anxiety follow.
Get Organized If You Are Not To Reduce Mental Stress Naturally.
1. Get organized. One of the main sources of stress is feeling like you can’t keep up with everything on your to-do list. Getting organized can help you feel more in control and less overwhelmed.
2. Set priorities. Once you’re organized, it’s essential to set priorities and focus on the most important tasks first. This will help you avoid last-minute rush jobs and the stress that comes with them.
3. Make time for yourself. It’s important to schedule some “me time” into your day, even just a few minutes. This is a time to relax and do something you enjoy without stress or obligations.
Stress plays a crucial role in our moods, reactions to situations, and overall well-being, so we must learn the best ways to reduce stress and plug it into our lives.
Early To Bed, Early To Rise
Well, let’s say that if you can’t get to bed early, at least get to bed and sleep a minimum of eight hours because your body needs time to tone down from the day and purge all activity.
Sleeping is crucial to maintaining balance and focus and not being cranky, which can lead to stress-inducing situations.
Take Vitamins And Supplements For Anxiety and Stress Relief
You were wrong if you did not believe your mom when she told you that taking vitamins was critical to staying healthy. Taking vitamins and supplements can help you naturally reduce can help you reduce your stress levels.
- Vitamin D3 – reduces inflammation, helps with calcium retention
- Iron – a mega helper in creating hemoglobin
- L-Theanine – calms anxiety without making you sleepy (we use this a lot)
- Gaba – reduces stress and anxiety and brings about a calm
- Women’s B Complex increases mental alertness
- Calming Formula mood and sleep support
All of these are the key to helping reduce stress.
But Don’t Swallow Your Vitamins and Supplements
Don’t swallow pills because that adds anxiety and stress for many; instead, use a micro lingual instant dissolve tablet as we do.
Let’s look at Superior Source Vitamins, which my family uses and loves! We purchase them online at Amazon Superior Source Store and Walmart ( Walmart Has Partnered with Superior Source Vitamins to Offer Their Best-Selling Vitamins + FREE SHIPPING!)
Superior Source Vitamins are MicroLingual® – “Under the Tongue Technology” that works fast, as they are quickly absorbed into the body, dissolving in seconds – NO pills to swallow or water needed! By swallowing supplements, as much as 50% of the potency is lost in the high-acid environment of the stomach. Superior Source Vitamins eliminate Tummy Tantrums. They use only clean ingredients – the way nature intended!
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Anxiety and Stress Relief
Here is a quick recap of many ways to reduce stress and live a happier, more anxiety-free life where you naturally reduce mental stress.
1. Get organized with to-do lists.
2. Set priorities. Eliminating last-minute rush jobs and the stress that comes with them.
3. Make time for yourself. It’s important to schedule some “me time” every day for at least a30 minutes.
4. Exercise Will Set You Free.
Understanding How Stress Affects You
1. Understand what stress is and how it affects you
2. Identify your stressors
3. Develop healthy coping mechanisms
4. Manage your time and priorities
5. Set realistic expectations
Stress is the body’s response to anything that requires extra energy or effort. But not every stress energy is terrible because there are good rushes of stress too.
However, the bad stress is what you need to eliminate because it stimulates and escalates how your heart pumps and beats, which, in turn, flexes your heart rate and, in the end, your blood pressure. The Bottom Line: Fight or Flight can lead to health problems because you can not put out fires daily and be mentally or physically healthy.
Easy to make changes to your everyday routine Can Help Alleviate Stress
- exercise
- hobbies (reading, spa day, gardening, dog walking)
- reduce extra commitments to minimal
- find a support network (your family, friends, a therapist)
Identify Stressors To Stop The Chaotic Vibe
Some people know what makes them feel stressed, while others may not be in tune with their triggers.
If you constantly feel overwhelmed, distressed, and burned out, it is time to remove the blinders and determine what is creating the stress. Not only can this be difficult, but it also can be an enriching process as you will see YOU for the first time. Identifying stressors allows you to get to the root of the issue and close the door to those adverse effects.
Get Plenty Of Exercises
Exercise is extremely important as it is great for your heart and mind, but beyond the basic benefits, it is a great way to reduce stress. Your anxiety levels and stress will lessen as you walk, jog, kickbox, cardio blast, bike, etc..
Hot Stress Reducing Tip
One approach that works well for us is keeping a diary (journaling) each week for a month. Every time you feel tense or worked up, take a few minutes to jot down what’s happening in your life.
After a week or two of monitoring your stress levels in this way, you should start to see patterns emerging. If a particular situation or activity seems to trigger your stress response more often than others, it’s likely a significant stressor for you.
Another approach is to analyze your stressors more in-depth by rating them on a scale from 1-10. To do this, list all the things that contribute to your stress levels, both big and small. Once you have your list, rate each item according to how much it stresses you out, with one being the least stressful and ten being the most. Doing this can help you identify your major and minor stressors and see how different stressors affect you in different ways.
Once you’ve identified your stressors, it’s essential to take some time to figure out why they bother you so much. For some people, traumatic events from the past may be a stressor. For others, a stressor is simply a sign that something in their life is out of balance.
No matter what the reason, understanding why a stressor affects you the way it does can be a helpful step in learning to manage it.
Reduce Stress By Developing A HEALTHY Coping Mechanism
A wise therapist shared a way to cope and deal with stressful situations, which generally works.
- Don’t snap back at verbal commands; instead, write the words that bother you down on paper
- Visualize a beach and the sand, where the waves meet the sand, and watch that in your mind over and over
- Walk, don’t talk. A great way to release what is stressing you
- Turn off your phone, tablet, computer
- use music: play piano, listen to music, etc.
These will help detox the stress and are coping mechanisms and equip you to target and hone in on the stressors.
To deal with stress, take the bull by the horns and identify those triggers, understand how you respond, and then do some learning to cope with it.
- Relaxation techniques work well.
- Deep breathing and visualization will take you away from the chaos
- Journaling allows you to write your feelings in the “here and now” and reflect later, which should release tension.
- Exercise: walking running, cleaning, etc.
- Learn to positive thinking: the glass is half full, not half empty
- Developing positive thinking patterns can also help to reduce stress.
- Manage your time and priorities.
What Is Positive Thinking?
You need to be the person that sees a glass as Half FULL, not half empty. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Always look for the sunshine in each issue in your life.
How To Manage Time and Priorities
- make a to-do list; day, week, month
- set priorities because not everything needs your attention immediately
- Focus on taking breaks from work to decrease stress and focus better
- Remember to ask for help or delegate tasks. It helps with anxiety and will get more off your checklist
- make time for yourself
So, setting realistic expectations is a great place to start if you want to reduce stress. Keep your expectations in check, focusing on the stressors you can control and eliminating as many as possible. Do these things, and you’ll likely find that your stress levels start to decrease.
The above tips are only a starting point for reducing stress. But if you can commit to even just a few of them, you’ll notice a big difference in how you feel. Reducing stress takes time, effort, and practice. But it’s worth it to have a calmer, more enjoyable life.
Before trying any new lifestyle change, research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for health issues. Always review the information carefully with your professional healthcare provider before using any protocols presented on this website in the product sold here.
Dana Vento and DanaVento.Com are not engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product.
The information provided today should not replace professional medical advice offered by a physician or licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe the sale of this product as an endorsement by Dana Vento or DanaVento.Com (and all social platforms of DanaVento.Com).
Neither the views expressed herein nor any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the article’s author (and website) does not guarantee a solution to any issue you might seek help or treatment for. The article brings options for those seeking new ways to tackle problematic situations but is not medical advice. The writer is not a doctor, nor impersonating one.