My Irish Adventure was hosted, opinions, images, and the story are all my own and subject to copyright.

Uncovering the Knock Shrine In Ireland
Knock Shrine is a very sacred destination in Ireland, and it’s not just those with faith that visit.
To this day, Knock Shrine remains one of the top-ranking Irish experiences, that I still think about and wonder about.
Through touring the entire country, I saw and experienced a lot in Ireland.
However, for its part in the Catholic Church, the Knock Shrine visit stands out in my mind each time I reflect on our trip.
Yes, it was part of my tour through Ireland.
That said, if I were not on a tour, I would make my way to the Knock Shrine for several reasons.
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Getting Here While In County Mayo
Where exactly is the Knock Shrine in Ireland?
Knock is in County Mayo (that’s how our guide continuously referred to Knock).
Many journey to the Shrine on a pilgrimage seeking healing from ailments and for strong prayer.
Knock Shrine in Ireland, is where an apparition was both seen by town folk and confirmed by the Pope.
When we got off of the tour bus, I was ready for a sacred adventure but experienced much more.
Knock Shrine, filled me with hope, questions, and intrigue.
What will you find at the the Knock Shrine in Ireland?
As we walked up the path, I was wondering how much I would take away from this stop, and then, I happened upon the treen ensemble in the middle.
I stopped.
Yes, in the dead of winter it is still gorgeous.
To my right, the Holy Water Fountains of the Knock Shrine.
Behind that is the Apparition Chapel.
The grounds, even in the dead of winter area gorgeous.
So here’s what I suggest, based on what I experienced.
Plus, we had only an hour here, so we could have spent at least 2 more to take it all in.
It’s not what you will discover at the Knock Shrine in Ireland it’s what you learn, and feel that will provide your experience.
#1 Apparition Chapel at the Knock Shrine
First, we took a walk.
We started at the Apparition Chapel,
Within the chapel, there’s one original wall, where the apparition was witnessed.
The wall and the altar are stunning, but beyond this, your question is this.
Does it feel eerie inside?
No, but it does feel satisfying and warm.
I did feel bad taking photographs as it is more sacred than something that photo-worthy.
However, I want to share the destination and I want you to visit the Knock Shrine as it’s incredibly fulfilling, spiritually.
The experience is surreal, solemn, and has a lot to do with faith and belief.
Yet, even if you did not believe in the apparition, it’s a stop worth taking.
My guess is you will be refreshed in thoughts on your life and how it surrounds you.
A few minutes here and I was calmed, as though the world just stops while you visit.
#2 Stations of The Cross Knock Basilica
On the outside of the Basilica as I mentioned is what you will notice.
One by one, we sauntered through the stations to visit, and feel immersed in the peaceful calm of the surroundings.
Yes, I have a few photos, but this was not about photo opportunities, instead of more about taking in the solemness and surrounding landscape as well as history.
Basilican of Our Lady, Queen Of Ireland
I felt thankful, and fortunate right in front of the Basilica of Our Lady Queen of Ireland.
We did not enter the Basilica but admired it from afar.
The exterior landscape is what captured my attention.
#3 Knock Shrine in Ireland: Seek out the Holy Water Fonts
I’ve got to say, this was our takeaway, the most important souvenir of the entire around Ireland trip.
There are 18 Holy Water Fonts crafted from Portuguese limestone and really something to ogle at.
Each of the Fonts offers a bible scene carved into the stone.
What you want to know is that if you have a water bottle with you, you can fill it with the holy water that runs from these fonts.
However, do know this is not just about taking the water, it is about what your pilgrimage brought to you.
For us, faith, devotion, and a blessing and the same to all those that made the pilgrimage before us.
In all honesty, a trip here would not have been complete without Holy Water from the Fonts.
Holy Water Fonts at the Knock Shrine
If you did not bring a water bottle, just stroll out of the Knock Shrine, then, to the right.
There is a souvenir stand, where you can purchase bottles to fill.
Stick those in zippered bags, protected from being squashed in your luggage, and take the holy water.
We brought it home for our families.
It is a well-received, inexpensive, truly fight-driven souvenir.
Come to experience history and leave with a feeling of inner peace, and tranquility.
I do hope you will discover Knock Shrine in Ireland and visit these 3 places on the grounds and then uncover more. ~ Dana XO
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