When you are stuck indoors, the days seem long unless you have DIY Projects!
You all know I love a great DIY and I basically attempt one a week.
Indoor DIY activities range from baking to organizing to actual projects of updating, or upcycling.
There are no rules for Indoor DIY activities, like what you can and can’t do, just have fun with them.
With the outdoor weather not really cooperating, it is hard to face the reality that you won’t be going outside.
Instead of hunkering onto the couch, use that time to use these indoor DIY Activities to keep yourself stimulated and vested in life!
The reality of being stuck inside might seem bleak, but in a time when we have no control over most else, this is a small way to control what we actually can.
We can control the interior chaos of our lives, that result from always being busy.
Indoor DIY Activities will help you sort through small messes life has left in our path!
Take on those days you are home with a smile and a ‘get er’ done attitude. You will love the end result!
Alright, let’s get moving, we have a lot of home to dig into right?
Kids, Adults, & Being Cooped Up Indoors
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For those with kids, like me, being home and inside is all great until it’s not.
It might start off with, ‘Oh I am so happy you are all here’ and then descend to, “Oh My God you are ALL Here!”
What do you do when everyone is inside?
First, remember to give each other a bit of space.
Let the kids use their rooms to facilitate a little ‘them’ time each day.
Assign chore lists, and then, of course, some sort of reward at the end.
Popcorn, game night whatever, works.
#1 Indoor DIY Activities ~ Mmm That Smells Good Mom/Dad!
The only way to learn your way around the kitchen is to participate in the kitchen.
As it is said, “the family that cooks together stays together!”
Have the kids pull together ingredients for my No-Bake Cheerio Bars or the No-Bake Buttery Caramel Bars.
Let them prep the pans, and make the desserts.
If they have to use the stove, supervise, but don’t hover.
Share your knowledge of how to mix with a spoon, or a fork to make everything combine well.
Here’s the best part, once they are done creating, it’s time for cleanup.
Since they were the little Chefs, they get to help, wash, dry and put away!
Your work is cut in half and in a few hours, you will have spent a great time together!
#2 Organizing Drawers
We all know that our daily lives are rushed.
Harried lives lead to small messes, which lead to bigger piles and bigger messes.
How do you solve this?
Use that Indoor time to clean up, and organize all of your drawers from lingerie/underwear to socks and everything in between.
Pair up your socks, toss out the crappy ones.
Donate unused socks.
Have you been running around with mismatched socks?
Maybe you have a lot of socks with holes in the foot.
Toss them! Clean the drawers out. Pair the socks up.
Then, once you have your sock drawer cleaned up, order what you need online.
Don’t forget to use Rakuten to get that cash back when you spend.
New socks will come to your door, the old ones will go away.
Now you won’t have socks that don’t match or have holes in them.
Repeat the procedure for all of your drawers.
Donate & Do Mindful Shopping
Keep a donation bag close by so that anything that does not fit can be donated to those in need.
Another little benefit to cleaning out your drawers is that it will pass the time as you start getting into it!
Make a list of anything you would like to add to your drawers, like black tees, white tees, camisoles, and put it on your phone.
When you shop you can find exactly what you need and no more.
Again, I suggest using a credit card that provides cashback on every purchase and using Rakuten to also get money back on each purchase (it’s free!)!
#3 DIY Under That Kitchen Sink
What a mess.
We all have it, stuff just tossed under the kitchen sink.
Basically, our under the kitchen sink areas are the ‘catch-all’ when we just don’t have time.
But really what DO you have under there?
Do you even know? Maybe you bought items you are not using?
Or maybe you have stuff you don’t’ need?
Use my DIY Under the Kitchen Sink tips to help you get the most out of that space and contain it all!
Make sure to have a trash bag for junk readily available, and a DONATE Bag as well.
Wipe it up, clean it up, and use what you have!
#4 Get Control Over Your Monthly Bills
Do you often forget to pay your bills?
Today’s digital world makes it possible to pay your bills effortlessly.
Take the time to set up auto-pay so you never have to remember to pay a bill again.
Many banks offer free online banking for you.
If not, head to the biller online and they often have free options for online auto-bill paying too!
Take time to get control of your personal bills and finances.
#5 Stuck On Hold Won’t Matter ~ $aving Money Does
Since we are so busy, we often just deal with things later, putting them on the backburner.
However, when you are stuck indoors and have time to burn, it’s time to really get a grip on your Cable-Bill, Internet provider, Car Insurance, and Mortgage (if you have one!)
How do you do that?
First, go to your internet provider’s website.
What are they offering? Are there better deals than what you are currently on?
Analyze what you use, vs. what they are offering.
Are you grandfathered into an amount that is not shown but really is not advantageous?
Drop it!
Use a live chat if you don’t’ want to get on the phone to get the best pricing you can for your internet, or cable provider.
Repeat the process for your car and home insurance.
For those with a Mortgage, now is a great time to refinance.
Do take into account before refinancing the time you plan to stay in your current home, closing costs, etc. it may NOT be worth it.
Time is money and you have time when you are pent up in the house. Use that time to save yourself a lot of money.
#6 Go Chill and Scrub while You Do!
Alexa will need to help you power through this chore, but you can do it.
Chill. And by chill, I mean, get chilled by scrubbing out your refrigerator.
Clean the exterior, shine it up, degrease, get rid of bacteria from hands.
Now move into the interior.
Empty every bin and drawer.
Wipe all of the bins out. Use my DIY Rubbing Alcohol Solution to clean.
Dry them. Replace them into the refrigerator.
Take stock of all condiments in the refrigerator.
Check all the expiration dates of food you have stocked in there.
Pull everything out and put it on the counter.
Scrub the shelves and walls.
Toss what is bad, keep what is good.
Next, organize your refrigerator.
Order a new water filter if it is needed.
Dump the ice into houseplants, if you have ice made.
Start fresh with everything from top to bottom.
Don’t forget to clean UNDER the refrigerator too.
Use a Refrigerator Coil Cleaning brush to clean those coils too!
Dust off the top of the refrigerator as well and move everything OFF of the top to clean it well.
#7 Walk A Million Miles, Pets, and Windows – Indoor DIY Activities
You’ve got time and windows, shoes and pets!
Guess what? You can totally rock this indoor DIY Activities thing well!
Since you wear shoes, clean them! Don’t drag dirt and bacteria into your home.
Wipe off all your shoes (make sure to wear plastic disposable gloves when you do).
All the shoes to dry bottom up.
Pets bowls often get neglected as do their feeding areas, life is just congested with too much.
STOP. Clean their bowls sanitize their feeding trays, and areas.
Vacuum their beds, air them out.
Use dryer balls with little essential oil on them to release pet hair from their bedding and blankets.
Once the pet areas are done, clean your Windows to let the SUN Shine in and enjoy your clean and organized home!
Window cleaning is easy. 1 part vinegar, to one part water (1:1) and a drop of your favorite essential oil.
Spray that onto the windows and wipe with a paper towel or newspaper (if you do this, you will need gloves as the print makes a mess on your fingers, but the clean is so pristine and clear! )
Indoor DIY Activities
You might think these all are awful, but once you get involved in the task, you will feel good about cleaning up and out.
Organizing gives you control over times when you have no other way to control the outside world.
If you love to be organized, these indoor DIY activities will help!
When you know what you have, you don’t overbuy.
Tossing out old crap is always a good idea!
Enjoy your indoor time and make the most of it! ~ Dana XO