My family loves to travel and adventure and when we had the recent option to visit Roatan we took it. Our decision to get off the ship and head to land was a good decision. It’s also an experience none of us will ever forget.
Additionally, I did not want to hop in a cab and head to the beach, we should have. Instead, we used a tour operator for Roatan. Now, we did not use the ship’s suggested tour, or options, and that is nothing new.
I am a travel writer I want more than is offered. So we shopped online to find a good tour. Here’s the funny thing, I would have preferred the time at the beach. It’s not so often you can find a beach like this. Travel to Roatan with me and lavishly live a tropical paradise out loud!
Warning Read With Extreme Caution
**Warning** If you have not figured out where your next vacation should be, definitely don’t read this article because you will begin salivating at the experiences offered on this island and the white beautiful beaches.
Just in case you did not know, Roatan is the largest of the Honduras Bay Islands. Also, you might hear a lot about how the reef is being ruined.
Now that you have been issued a full warning, are you ready to hear about this exotic, beautiful, perfect place known as Roatan? I dream of each and every vacation long before we ever arrive.
Sometimes, after I review the time we had on the tour, I think we should have stayed on the ship or just hopped a ride to the beach.
Mahogany Bay
This is the dock, and we pulled right up to it! There is no questioning which way you have to go to exit the immediate shopping area, as the walkway leads up and out. There is a lot of shopping right in here.
If you choose to not leave port, you can fill your suitcase up with whatever you want from here and call it a day. Then of course, maybe it is pool time while everyone else is out and about?
Tips For Photo Taking After Getting To The Port Of Call
When you get off the ship, the port of call is beautiful to look at this lushness and it is all kept just so perfectly. I will make one suggestion, don’t stop and photo the sign right away. Take that photo later!
People are going to all want to take that same picture. Let them disapparate. Too many people cluster at the beginning. Later you will experience, fewer people hanging all over the sign.
Wait to get the angle you want, trust me, you can thank me later for this! IF you are familiar with cruising you know how it happens, it’s like a stampede when anything new is out and shown.
The Part of Roatan I Did Not Like
Once you walk through the shopping area, you walk up steps and through ‘security’. This is where the cabs, buses, and personal drivers come through at the end, bringing you back to the port.
Pass here, you walk a bit more and there are a few pod-like houses that the Policia stand-in. I’ll be honest, my kids are still bantering about this a few years later.
There are guards, dogs and if it is wet, a word of caution, don’t walk on the side of the road, as you will slip and fall(my daughter did and so did a few others).
The guards and dogs hang out at their little station pods and are armed with guns, as they watch EACH and EVERY person walking now down the hill to get to their arranged(or not) transportation.
Clear this area and Roatan becomes a vacation looking island for those seeking some retreat from the everyday grind to paradise hidden.
I will tell you that I did not book a tour with the cruise ship simply because I could not come up with what we were looking for. Those of you that know me, know I am all about finding the local private tours and rocking my time. (check out my Cozumel find as well)
OUR TOUR in Roatan
Travel to foreign countries is never without worry, but we were on a cruise and we had made plans to take a private tour with a private tour company.
Our one-stop in Roatan came with warnings from others to make certain that we had arranged for tours with reputable companies. We did just that. I arranged a tour for my family tour. Google him or look at his site on Trip Advisor, and see what you think.
Victor Bodden Tours are very well known for safe tours. His company will get you back and forth to your ship on time and they take great pride in making certain they do so. We paid for our tour, so I am not advertising, just giving you a hint as to what operator to look for.
While I will reserve this story for a different entry in my blog, I do want to make the same suggestion to anyone traveling to Roatan: Take a tour hosted by your cruise ship if you are uncomfortable venturing with anyone else. I get it, it’s a big deal and with all the trouble you hear about on cruises, and destinations, taking chances may not be your thing! Let your gut guide you.
We followed our directions from Victor to the letter, not stopping until we found his people in his shirts, with OUR name on their registry, and this is truly a navigating challenge, I will not lie.
Once you get out of the transportation area Roatan becomes a vacation looking island for those seeking some retreat from the everyday.
Over and over from my colleagues to my family, I was advised to not get off the ship. Call me the rebel. A funny little note to make: our tour guide also discussed the same notions as my family and co-workers have alluded to!
The Mayor’s House of Roatan
This is the Mayor of Roatan’s home, quite beautiful and so very tropical! We were on the bus when I took the photo through the window, so I am sorry if it is darker than it should be!
I snapped as we were on our way to the beach. The sky is perfectly blue, the humidity is low, and the water is crystal clear, pristine and perfect! It was everything your dream vacation would be as far as the beach goes.
Luxury just can not possibly get better than white beaches. As a bonus, there truly is great snorkeling and pretty resorts. Next time, I am going right to the resort to spend time on the beach. Plain and simple.
Craving more about Roatan? Be sure to read my other articles that show you the beach and beauty of Roatan. ~ dana xo