My daughter needed a way to store her spices without taking up space in her small apartment pantry.
After a lot of searching online, I discovered something, things are way overpriced for what they are.
Rather than reinventing the wheel, I came up with a version of what I have been seeing on different retailer websites without the retailer price!
I found an affordable way to make a simple DIY that is so practical and useful that I can’t believe I have not done this for myself!
Creating these DIY magnetic spice containers for your refrigerator takes minutes.
Whether you call these a DIY magnetic spice rack, or DIY refrigerator spice holders, or magnetic spice containers for the side of your refrigerator, it’s all the same thing!
Since these are containers, that are magnetic and they will hold spices, I called it my DIY magnetic Spice containers for your refrigerator.
I did not purchase magnets or glue, and I made one stop only to get the stuff I needed for this project and you won’t believe where!
Let’s make this simple DIY for your kitchen!
DIY Magnetic Spice Containers For Your Refrigerator
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Why Did We Need Magnetic Spice Containers?
Kallie was living in what I will call a form of an Air BnB for living quarters during the summer term at Law School.
While this worked for a short stint in the summer, because the owner was not home 3 or the 6 weeks, it did not work for the new school year.
The fact of the matter is, the lady was always causing issues.
She would have people in and out of her house and so many people had a key to the home.
But the showstopper was her grandkid running through the house.
It was not just the running but the screaming and going up and down the steps during what was contracted as an ‘always quiet home’.
Not the case and a bad test grade resulted.
Sorry, this can’t be!
The woman herself was totally nuts and interfered in daily life, that’s not how ‘renting’ goes!
Additionally, there were also the screaming matches the homeowner was having with her daughter on the phone during study hours.
Last, her daytime naps, where she left her door open and my good conscious child would not use the kitchen then because it was right next to her room.
2 shelves in the refrigerator, no air conditioning in the hottest days, and more all led to an unanticipated move once school started.
Let the fun begin!
The Move – Why Make Magnetic Spice Containers for your refrigerator?
Needless to say, the situation in the home escalated and my daughter was scared of this lady and for her possessions.
She had to shop and find a place quickly and she did. An apartment.
However, Kallie had NOTHING with her, but her clothes, desk, and books.
Now what?
Well, after multiple trips to see her, we finally got her organized.
Apartment living is much better, yet, once you start moving in, space does happen to be at a premium.
Rather than overstocking her pantry, I created this DIY of Magnetic Spice COntainers for her refrigerator.
No need to cluster the pantry shelves, instead just pop these magnetic tins to the fridge and use them on the fly, and she is!
In fact, they are most handy because her stove is right next to the refrigerator, so she just moves her hand and takes the spice needed.
Where To Find the Magnetic Spice Tins So You Can Make Your Own
After searching online endlessly and disagreeing with the cost of products, I set foot into a few stores.
I had looked online and was not at all happy with the results.
First, most of the containers did not have magnets and I had to purchase magnets and attach them.
Some of the containers were outrageously priced over $25 which is not acceptable when trying to curb costs.
There were some great magnetic tins on Amazon, but, read on as to why I did not buy them.
Next, I also needed to feel and touch which I could not do online.
However, that said, I do believe now it was not necessary to touch and feel since they are all the same and from the same distributor (learned this later).
Where did I go? I walked into our local Dollar Tree and actually had gone in for other items.
Guess what? In the school product aisle, I found these magnetic containers.
I was baffled.
Were there enough there for me to buy and make for my daughter?
Maybe the bigger question was, are they going to work, after all, it was a dollar store?
So, how many should I get?
I started running through the spices she had asked me for.
I knew that I needed between 8 and 12.
That’s exactly what I purchased but every container was filled with 2.
Meaning, my price per 2 was $1. Wow!
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Full Disclosure
Just to be clear, not every container was not perfect and that is what I anticipated.
That’s why I purchased MORE than I needed.
The Dollar Tree and I don’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to things that work when purchased.
Advanced knowledge keyed me in to purchase more than I would need so I did not have to make another trip!
Also, if we are being open and honest, I could buy these magnetic containers online at Amazon, and I had a lot of choices.
Since we only needed a few, I did not want to spend more than a few bucks to see if this concept was even going to work.
Trust me, I have read about the disasters of these magnetic containers, and how they rust, no matter who you buy them from.
So I just wanted to keep it simple, but if you click through a few of my highlighted links, you can order them online instead!
Again, I want to stress, after a lot of research, I chose what I chose.
To be very clean, they are not food grade, but these are spices and I don’t believe ANY of the ones I have seen online are FOOD Grade either.
After all, this is a hack and spices are fine (for us) in these containers.
Most others that have purchased the same looking containers have written reviews that after a year or 2 they have had to replace each one, due to rusting.
So, knowing that they will need to be replaced no matter what I buy (unless it is glass), I did not seek out the most expensive resolution!
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The DIY of Magnetic Spice Containers
I started by taking out the spices my daughter had requested.
Here’s the thing, you don’t need a lot for these magnetic containers.
Since they are refillable you can add as you go.
Further, since I purchase most of the requested spices in volume at Costco and Sam’s Club, we just were using things we already had (see saving even more money!)
She wanted Cayenne, Cinnamon, BBQ, SeasonAll, Garlic and Herb, Pumpkin Pie Spice, Onion Powder, and Red Pepper Flakes.
Next, before I started, I did make sure to wipe out each container and allowed them to air dry.
Yes, they were packaged, but my OCD totally kicked in and I thought about assembly, and packaging, etc.
Then I made the label, which I will discuss if you keep reading.
Add the label to the lid, so you are ready to immediately cap the spice and you won’t forget what spice you just poured.
Or, you can add the labels after, I tried to do this too.
It is easier to add the label ahead, to keep track of what you are doing, amidst phone calls, texts, and work!
Last, I poured in the spice to each magnetic spice container.
Then replaced the lid. I tested EVERY container turned over to make sure it was not going to spill.
ONE container did, as aforementioned and I tossed it out.
Luckily the rest of the containers sealed.
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Sealing & Metal Containers – Magnetic Spice Container DIY Tips
TO be quite honest, I know that these are not going to be the ONLY set I will ever make her.
However, the price is pennies on the dollar, and if they last year to year I am fine with that.
The lids are the issue. I don’t care where you buy these from, who makes them, etc. you too will struggle.
These lids more or less spin on.
Just push it down and then I spun it to tighten (even if it really did not tighten much).
Doing this assured me that when it gets placed on the refrigerator it is not going to open.
Exactly what I anticipated, no issues.
However, if you don’t push and turn you might find a different ending, the kind that means time for the sweeper!
Label Chatter – Magnetic Spice Containers
Once you have taken your spices out of their original containers how do you know what’s what?
You don’t!
You are going to need a reliable label which is why I used labels that were laminated.
Honestly, I could have put them in the printer, but I was so crunched for time on this DIY, that I chose to handwrite them instead.
It all worked the same and is the same premises, you, however, may prefer to use your printer for these labels.
Cut them to their proper size, try not to cover too much of the spice, and then label it.
Hanging Magnetic Spice Containers on the Refrigerator
There’s not much to this, it takes seconds. First, make the label, add it to the lid.
Next, fill your container, and twist the lid.
Hang it! The magnet on the back adheres and does not move once placed on the fridge. It’s that easy.
Total Cost of Magnetic Spice Containers
I spent a total of $6.42 to make these magnetic spice containers and it was money well spent!
We had the labels in the house because I am a total label freak.
Additionally, I had the spices she wanted so we just split up what I had and gave it to her.
For most of us, spices are already at home.
Always use a Sharpie, as they are permanent, and even when wet will not smear.
They are in fact my favorite permanent marker and kitchen tool for writing!
If you prefer to not buy laminated labels, make your own.
Use a sticker or a piece of masking tape.
Then, write the name of the spice.
Follow that with a piece of transparent tape over the masking tape and you suddenly have a homemade laminate.
The End Result of making homemade DIY Magnetic Spice Containers?
Our end result was a space-saving maneuver and it does not just work for those in apartments, its for anyone in tight spaces craving more space in their pantries or lack of pantries.
The dollar stores are great sources of products, but do plan for small disasters ahead.
In total, after gathering the magnetic container products from the store, this project took me about 10 minutes from start to finish.
It’s a great way to break into DIY projects for around your home and apartment! ~ Dana XO