You spent the best night every partying on the beach, or at a campsite, or at a neighbors’ bonfire/campfire, and now your hair smells like the campfire. Ugh.
The campfire aroma smelled good while you were there you don’t want that campfire smell on your hair! Now what?
Let’s remove campfire smell from our hair
No matter how great the night was as you sat and reminisced by a campfire, you don’t want that smell traveling with you. Ok for those of you rolling your eyes, have you ever spent time next to a campfire?
Campfires are amazing, however, when you are near a campfire/bonfire your hair and clothes latch onto the smell of the campfire. This in turn makes it necessary to later remove the campfire smell from your hair and your clothes if you don’t want to smell like a toasted marshmallow!
The Good News about how to remove campfire smell from hair
Nothing here that I use to remove campfire smell from hair will be super expensive, nor hard to find. In fact, you’ll love these simple tips to remove the campsite smell from hair with everyday products you probably already use!
Why would you want to remove campfire smell from hair? Well, I’ll say this, it’s not the latest trendy fragrance for ladies, ha ha!
What if you don’t want to wash your hair? NO worries, you won’t have to in order to get the smell out. As for your clothing, no worries, the smell will come out of them as well.
For your clothing and the campfire smell that is entrenched in them, I’ll offer you a few bonus tips to wrangle that campfire smell no worries!
How To Remove Campfire Smell From Hair Because Yuck!
After that fun night, it’s time to head home, and you don’t want to drown yourself out with a campfire smell right? Well, what can you do fast? I’ll tell you no worries.
No one wants to smell like a toasted marshmallow so you’ve got to release the smell some way, albeit no releasing more like ridding.
I’ve tried so many different combinations of products and I’ve read so much on the internet, and I don’t agree with most.
Watch what you use, and thoroughly read through your options, make sure you have no allergies to anything listed before trying anything you’ve found to remove campfire smell from hair.
First To Remove Campfire Smell From Hair I Suggest…
Take off your stinky campfire clothes and place them in a basket outside so that you don’t have that smell on you anymore. Next. you can begin to remove the campfire smell from hair with any of the following options! ~ Dana Xo
Remove Campfire Smell From Hair: What You Need
Every time we travel I bring along a few things to tackle all issues that I can possibly think of. One item I pack with me everywhere I go saves my hair from too much water and too little fun. You see, if you keep washing your hair, you don’t have time to get out the door.
My favorite solution to keep with me is dry shampoo. I will tell you that the most simple solution to remove the campfire smell from your hair is dry shampoo. Plus dry shampoo comes in many scents and sizes. I literally go nowhere without a small can in my handbag, backpack, or suitcase.
As an added bonus, when using this, it takes away the oils that build up and allow me an extra day of my styled hair, so there are just zero reasons not to use dry shampoo. It really does a great job to remove the campfire smell from your hair.
The Replacement Product For Dry Shampoo: Remove Campfire Smell From Hair
For those that want the cheapest get er’ done method that will remove campfire smell from hair, this is your golden ticket! Do you know how you tame a stinky fridge? Well, now you will remove campfire smell from hair with the same solution.
Wait, did you guess what it was? Baking Soda to remove campfire smell from hair
Then you got the answer right! In fact, this is the one go-to we always have with us, when we travel because if something spills in a car, in a room, or if we are at a campfire it is the solution! So now you can remove campfire smell from hair with the baking soda you have with you.
I personally suggest doing this over a bathtub, laundry tub, or outside in the yard. Naturally, you could do this over your carpet if you feel like vacuuming it up, but I don’t!
Sprinkle the baking soda all over your hair and then move it through with your fingers and then out of your hair. I use a towel to buff it out, but you can brush it, or use your fingers too.
Sometimes if it’s really strong, I will wrap it in a hair turban after I have sprinkled it with baking soda for about five minutes and that really does a great job.
One Last Option I use To Remove Campfire Smell From Hair
This is the go-to that not only makes my hair non-staticky but it also makes it smell so much better.
A dryer sheet. Yes, I am over the top about dryer sheets because there are so many uses for them, but in this case, they are great to remove campfire smell from hair.
That said, you can not use one that has already been through the washer, that does not work. But, if you have a new one with you (tote in a zippered plastic bag), you can rub it all over your roots, scalp, and through your hair, and don’t forget the neckline under the hair as well (the smell transfers y’all!) so make sure to get it all!
Now, if you are by chance somewhere there is water, I highly suggest a shampoo and conditioner after using this method, but if you aren’t, then you will be fine until you are back to civilization.
Other Things To Do To Remove Campfire Smell From Hair
Remember, if you go to sleep without using any of the above methods to remove campfire smell from hair, it will transition to your pillow and pillowcase. So, your hair will smell again, even if washed if the smell is in the pillow or on the pillowcase.
Do remove your clothing before entering your home. Toss it in the washer on at least WARM if not HOT to open those fibers and get them washed. If you are mixing colors, don’t forget to add a color catcher so that there are no color transfers between clothing.
Shampoo your hair and don’t forget conditioner after you are able to clean it too.
Do note that baking soda can be drying but for it’s the purpose it overrides that!