Sometimes your stomach feels bloated and your favorite jeans are uncomfortable, so you swap them out for your elastic-banded ones and wish there were a better way!
Often the best thing you can do is go all-in and use a belly bloat detox tea, which means drinking more to flush.

Make Belly Bloat Detox Tea Just Once
Make the belly bloat detox tea at least once before you decide you don’t want it or like it!
Instead of tugging at your jeans, or feeling so upset with yourself for feeling bloated, fix it!
The bloated feeling is not only uncomfortable but can transform your day into misery, it’s both physically uncomfortable and mentally.
In my opinion, bloating sucks and it is uncomfortable which then makes everything else in the day uncomfortable, this is how I deal with belly bloat!
Did you know there is 1 things that will happen you did not expect?
Naturally, there is a downfall to this simple detox tea recipe and many of you have probably already guessed it.
But honestly, it is not a negative it is a positive and the truest ROI of why you’ll want to use the belly bloat detox tea, but you can read that towards the end, because it’s not a bad thing!
If you have not figured out what I am going to share on the negative side of this, read on because I am sure you will understand shortly.
Simple Belly Bloat Detox Tea: My Discovery
Inspiration often appears magically, or when you have too much of something or another.
Make no mistake I am not a doctor nor impersonating one, nor am I a nutritionist.
What I am is a mom of three, that suffers from occasionally belly bloating and the need to detox and reset my system so I can maintain a flatter belly.
The challenge for me is keeping my belly feeling comfortable and often even good foods loaded with fiber takes that privilege away!
It’s funny how I craft my recipes, sometimes it is more about stumbling upon items and experimenting than actual knowledge.
How my refreshing belly bloat detox tea came into fruition for me
Often, I go crazy purchasing lemons for fresh drinks or my garden is overflowing with herbs and I have to get creative to use them!
I’ve been known to sip on lemon-wedge enriched water often, but I watch how much because lemon acidity can be downright awful to tooth enamel.
Other times, I’ve chopped up those gnarly cucumbers with too many seeds that I refuse to eat but will flavor water with just to get rid of them.
To that end, it’s waste not, want not, but I started noticing something interesting with my water concoctions.
Drinking lemon mixed with water was amazing, but adding in chopped-up cucumbers was even better.
Was I on to something or was it just my imagination?
More water intake lessened my want to nibble. Boo-Yah!
Lemon and Water
For years, I watched my mom make my dad pitchers of lemon water while he worked outside doing yard work.
When I was younger, and I would sample his water, I found it far too tart, and wanted to know why there was no sugar in it!
He’d work, sweat, rehydrate with water and not feel bloated because… drumroll please, lemons are a natural diuretic.
The lemon and water detox my mom provided him, helped him not feel bloated but feel better and without sodium or other additives.
As I grew older, I naturally mimicked my mom’s water recipe (even though it never tastes as good, lol).
I read a lot to find out about the lemon, and its effect on teeth and learned that the ice in the water shields and spares your teeth from the acidity of the lemon.
Also, MORE (lemons) is not always better, so I’ll give you the right amount to add in and any ‘extra’ is on you!
What’s in your herb garden: Peppermint or Spearmint?
You’ll be adding mint to this recipe but
The truth about mints is most don’t know the difference between the mints in their garden.
Do you know the difference? If you don’t, it’s really not a big deal!
Whatever ‘mint’ you have in your garden is fine.
If you buy it, grab spearmint.
Did you know mint relaxes the gastrointestinal tract? Do not use it if you have GI issues!
This belly bloat detox tea is a bit minty!
I Use Particular Cucumber Slices
The truth is, I don’t eat cucumbers with big seeds.
I love pickling cucumbers that are small, more tender, and far tastier (IMO).
When you are gifted huge cucumbers from others’ gardens that have those monster seeds in them, make cucumber water.
Personally, I’ve made more gallons of cucumber water than I care to admit, and I sip it all day long.
Alone, cucumber water is refreshing and tasty, really don’t knock it till you try it.
Did you know that cucumbers are veggie-loaded with water?
In addition, they promote ridding water retention, so eat your cucs!
Your cucumber won’t be in that water for more than 4 hours anyway, just enough to infuse it with its great properties!
The One and Only Things You Must Know About This Recipe + Results
So if you have ever drank green tea, you know it makes you pee, right?
It is a natural diuretic so naturally, I chose this to add into my simple detox tea recipe, amping up the basic water!
I buy Green Tea in bulk and I use one of my favorite brands!
Do you know how they always say what makes you better might make you suffer a bit?
That’s true of this recipe.
So, when you choose this flush day, do make sure there is a toilet nearby.
My dear friends, cucumbers, lemons, mint, green tea, all create the need for frequent urination.
It’s not bad and your belly will feel relief, but it’s bad if you did not know and have to be in the car for lengths of time!
My Simple Belly Bloat Detox Tea .
Belly Bloat Detox Tea
- 64 Oz of Water
- 7 Green Tea Bags
- 1 Large Cucumber rinsed, sliced, and yes the skin is left on!
- Lemon 1/4 C fresh juice and slices to infuse
- 1/4 C of fresh mint leaves peppermint, spearmint, etc
- Cayenne Pepper 1/4-1/2 tsp OPTIONAL
- Add tea bags to water.
- Next, add in cucumber.
- Then, squeeze in that fresh lemon and follow with lemon slices.
- Chop some of the mint leaves, and leave others whole, add into the mixture.
- Now, if you want cayenne pepper for a little ‘spicy tea’ add it in now.
- Refrigerate for 2- 4 hours then strain to remove all contents ( for my photo I let them in there so it did not look like a glass of plain tea)
- I suggest adding ice to this when you put it in your glass.
- Sip and enjoy.
Other Things To Try For Detoxing and Flat Belly
- Remember to drink plenty of water daily.
- Exercise is really good for you too, like simple walking!
- Keep alcohol and salty foods to a minimum.
- Make a batch of my simple detox tea recipe ~ Dana XO
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