Today’s post shares our twenty-one (21) blazing summer heat survival tips, so you can dial back the sizzling summer weather and make it livable for yourself. Whether you are staying at home this summer or traveling, these are surefire ways to combat the blessed sticky, irritating weather!
You need to know how you can make the summer heat bearable, and we’ve got you covered; from the beach to poolside to your backyard, let’s dial back the sizzling summer weather to comfortable levels!
Seeking Answers: How To Cool Down During The Sizzling Summer Weather?
Whether you are traveling or staying home in the summer, you are probably already seeking ways to survive the impact of the heat on your trip, activities, or everyday life, so that you can stay calm and not hot and bothered!
These are 10 Hot And Bothered By Summer Extreme Weather States, so if you are headed to any of these states for vacation or live there, our tips and tricks for the overly tropical, not-so-balmy weather will also be helpful.
Dealing with summer heat is something we all have in common as the weather patterns move and transfer to all states. You are not alone in waging your battle against the heat and trying to stay cool as a cucumber in the oppressive heat. Whether traveling to warm and sticky climates or staying home, use our simple ways to make the summer heat more bearable and make the summer heat less oppressive.
Making your home or temporary vacation residence as comfortable as possible for summer is key to making the summer heat bearable. With a few simple interior and exterior adjustments, you can guarantee a summer at home or away that will be as comfortable as possible and stay healthy while traveling or at home during the very warm weather blocks.
Let’s Dive Right In!
Table of Contents
Tips For Making The Blazing Summer Heat Bearable
These are our top 21 list of fabulously easy ways to conquer the sizzling summer weather and settle into the comforts of your home or vacation residence! Our comprehensive lists for dealing with extreme heat weather patterns are broken down into groups to help you faster!
- For anyone daring to spend extended periods outdoors in the sizzling summer weather
- How to get your indoor living spaces cooler
- Seaside, Beach-going (vacation) tips to make the summer heat bearable
Are you spending Time Outside In The Sun?
This group of sizzling summer weather to stay cool as cucumber tips are helpful to cool your body down during and after exposure to extreme heat.
- Stand under a cold shower – great after working in a garden or the yard all day or when returning from the beach.
- Try a cool bath, not cold, just cool without heat.
- Soak your feet in cold water.
- Use a spray bottle and mist yourself periodically to cool your skin temperature.
- Use a damp cloth on your skin – it feels refreshing and requires very little movement (store some in your fridge)
- Keep ice compresses in your freezer, place one inside a damp cloth, and place it on your neck.
- Visit the beach if you are on vacation or live close enough to a beach, but wear a hat and don’t stay in the peak sun.
- Go for a swim in a local pool or the resort pool you are staying at, but seek an umbrella for cover too.
- Drink lots of fluids, including electrolytes like a Liquid IV or something of the like
- Prepare homemade popsicles from strawberries and blueberries and enjoy them on warm days.
- Unlike polyester, wear loose, cool, breathable fabrics like cotton and cotton blends that won’t make you sweat!
- Use a portable fan
- Purchase a neck fan with a mister. You’ll wonder why you didn’t do this sooner!
- Use sunscreen
- Stand on the cool grass
- Sit on a covered patio or porch
- Purchase an outdoor refrigerator so you can stock it with water and easily access it without hesitation (stay hydrated)
- Take a break from the sun when possible under awnings or shady areas.
Creative Ways To Get Your Space Cooler (At-Home or Traveling)
These are practical and usable suggestions to get the inside of your house cooler and keep it cooler, from windows to food preparation.
- Create a cross-breeze by opening other doors and windows (if there is no air conditioning)
- Get an air conditioner and hire a professional to install your AC unit (otherwise, you void warranties)
- If you can’t afford an air conditioner, purchase a portable air conditioner unit.
- Set the thermostat low for your air conditioning.
- If you have air conditioning turn it on and CLOSE any rooms not being used
- Purchase a dehumidifier. It is helpful with cooling areas and wiping them of humidity!
- Hang wet sheets in front of open windows.
- Purchase a well-rated mattress cooling topper so you don’t sweat while you sleep.
- Invest in blackout curtains to keep the sun and heat blocked as much as possible (keeps rooms cooler)
- Close the blinds and make sure the blinds have no light coming through, and make the slats face the ceiling.
- Ensure the installed paddle fans go in reverse (hotel, resort room, home) so the air circulates properly.
- Use cotton sheets or other breathable material to sleep comfortably and not harbor sweat.
- If your vacation home or home has a basement, sleep there. It will be the coolest place if it is set up for sleeping.
- Cook outside on the grill only, using no appliances indoors as they create heat and more warmth.
- Prepare cool foods like salads with cooked frozen shrimp, tuna, or fruits like peaches and cheese.
- Invest in a portable or stationary ice maker and use ice in every drink you sip.
- Tower fans with remote controls are perfect for rooms you are sitting in, so find a reliable one with remote control,
- Place a bowl of ice water in front of your fan for an even cooler experience.
The Beach & 21 Sizzling Summer Weather Tips To Stay Cool
When the summer heat hits, the beach is always a popular destination. But with the sizzling sun and the risk of sunburn, you need to take some precautions to stay cool.
The summer heat can be brutal, especially at the beach. The sun and the heat can be overwhelming, The sun and the heat can be overwhelming, and if you’re not careful, you can easily get dehydrated or even sunburned. That’s why staying cool and comfortable at the beach is essential.
Make The Summer Heat Bearable While You Are On The Beach ↓↓
First and foremost, drink plenty of water, which is the most important thing you can do to stay cool and comfortable at the beach. The sun’s beauty is also related to her demon sister, known as dehydration!
- To avoid dehydration, keep a water bottle with you and sip on it all day
- Refill the water bottle to replenish your fluids.
- Stay in the shade. The sun can be unforgiving, so taking breaks in the shade to give your body a break from the heat or setting up in a shady spot is essential.
- Use a beach towel or blanket if you can’t find a tree or umbrella, and make your sun-shield
- Avoiding alcohol is a good idea becuase alcohol dehydrates.
- Wear sunscreen. Remember to put on sunscreen before heading out into the sun, so keep your skin protected from those harmful UV Rays.
- Wear light, loose-fitting clothing. Clothing that’s tight or made of heavy fabrics will only make you hotter. Wear light, breathable fabrics (COTTON) to help keep your body temperature down.
- Take a dip. Whether swimming, splashing around, or sitting in the shallows, the water will help you cool off.
- Put your feet up. If you’re feeling overheated, put your feet up in the air to help blood circulate and cool your body down.
- Use a fan. A handheld fan can be a great way to cool yourself down, especially if there’s a breeze.
- Bring along solidly frozen water bottles: Calm nausea from the heat on the back of your neck, and wrist
- Drink iced tea or lemonade. Iced tea or lemonade can be refreshing and help to rehydrate you.
- Eat cool foods. Eating incredible, refreshing foods like fruits and vegetables can help you stay cool.
- Avoid hot foods. Spicy or hot foods will only make you feel even warmer, so it’s best to avoid them.
- Take a cold shower. A quick shower can help you cool down if you’re feeling overheated.
- Use a cooling spray. A quick spritz of cooling spray can help you feel refreshed.
- Hang out in the air conditioning. If you’re at the beach and don’t have access to a shower or pool, find a place to hang out in the air conditioning for a while.(restaurants, bathrooms, stores)
- Suck on ice chips. Sucking on ice chips can help to cool your body down and rehydrate you.
- Run your wrists under cold water. Running your wrists under cold water can help.
- Put your hair up. Keeping it off your neck will help you stay cool if you have long hair.
- The harshest and fiery sun happens midday: 10 am and 2 pm, so avoid it as much as possible.
- Avoid foot burns from hot sand and pavement by wearing at least flip flops
We’ve All Seen The Blazing Summer Heat Map
After experiencing last summer’s unbearable heat, we expect more of the same, and the heat maps sure share some interesting information.
When you look at this map, you suddenly realize that nowhere in the USA was below normal, but all were at least LEANING above normal, which equals extreme heat waves throughout the country and makes our tips very practical and necessary.
But it’s not just the overall USA heat map, the blazing heat map: California shares some incredulous and torrid weather patterns lately.
Blazing Summer Heat in California
We are all familiar with the heat of the Arizona summer, so that is not new news, but the blazing summer heat in California has been in the spotlight more often than not over the last few years.
Whether rolling power blackouts or strain on the electrical capacity due to the heat or all of the health risks and living day-to-day activities that come to a halt because of the fiery, sweltering heat, California is an excellent example of a place to use the blazing summer heat survival tips for effective management of dissipating the irritating heat!
Use The Blazing Summer Heat Tips To Help You
- survive the heat and humidity
- Keep your home or vacation space cooler
- escape the heat a bit (even though it is almost impossible)
- avoid dehydration
- Avoid heat stroke, exhaustion, cramps, and solar burns
Now It’s Your Turn To Share With Me
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