It’s always funny to me how much I learn about an area once I start really narrowing down our destination. Travel is like a pile of leaves unturned, you don’t know what you will find until you start raking them up and turning it over. For instance, did you know that Hatteras Island is home to the 7 Villages of Hatteras Island? Our destination was the town of Avon in the Outer Banks, North Carolina. I had no idea how much there was to do in the Outer Banks and am almost ashamed because as an East Coaster, I should have been here before many times to take in ALL that the are has to offer.
It’s time to lavishly live travel out loud and learn all about the 7 Villages of Hatteras Island and what each offers, to create cross-off’s on my bucket lists from Lighthouses to ferry rides!
Learning About Hatteras Island
Hatteras Island offers towns that are tucked away, quiet and offer areas that kiss the coastline. The interesting tale of the 7 villages of Hatteras Island is that one road, a single 2 lane road, leads to them all. Are you as curious as I am as to what each of the 7 Villages of Hatteras Island is like?
What Are The 7 Villages of Hatteras Island?
First things first the 7 Villages of Hatteras Island are Rodanthe, Waves, Salvo, Avon, Buxton, Frisco, and Hatteras. I would not even pretend to know everything about the area because that would be such a farce, but I can share with you what I am learning.
I am an adventurer by heart and my kids are the same way, therefore my pang to find out what each of these 7 villages has inside of them is a natural thing. Vacation is a time to knock things off the bucket list, try things you have never experienced and of course relax, the mix that makes the 7 Villages of Hatteras Island the FIND of the finds for vacationing because you can do it all there.
What You Want To Know
When I started learning about the 7 villages of Hatteras Island I incorrectly referred to Hatteras Island as Hatteras Inlet and they are by no means one in the same. Hatteras Inlet is at the most southern tip of Hatteras Island, in fact it is down in the town of Hatteras. I will delve into this in more detail shortly.
I also think it is important to note that each of these towns are quaint towns without that typical fast food and chain stuff in them, but you are not MISSING anything you are not losing anything you are gaining the best family time of your life and the nature and environment that is about to rock your vacation is something incredible! Now, let’s discuss this all a bit more.
What I have found in planning is that the 7 Villages of Hatteras Island may all be on One Road, and one ‘island’ but they are all very different. My Googling, calling and asking friends and family has led me to determine one thing with certainty:
Each location in the Outer Banks in the 7 Villages of Hatteras Island offer family-friendly fun, a very simple amazing vacation area and so much to do for those who love the beach, seclusion and of course family time! Many of my friends and family tell me that the vacations they once took there when small, are still so much the same as they vacation now with their families.
The land is untouched, and there are very strict conservation laws that keep the area as well as the wildlife maintained. You can arrange a vacation rental beach home with several different rental authorities in the area.
The ‘Tri-Village’ Area (1,2,3)
Rodanthe, Salvo & Waves are known are often referred to as the ‘Tri-Village’ area. These areas offer PRIME water access where kite-boarders, wind surfers, surfers and avid ocean-lovers meet paradise here. Don’t look for chain restaurants, chain stores, etc., as this is not about that kind of vacation. This area is laid-back area to unwind and just enjoy life as it was meant to be naturally. I have viewed several beautiful homes that are available for rent, all with amazing amenities.
We are personally looking at visiting this area while we stay in Avon because of the Pea Island Natural Refuge as the Tri-Village area borders this attraction or wildlife. The coastline there is fabulous for shell hunting, dolphin viewing and more!
Birds that you are not normally privileged enough to see may just make an appearance for you while you visit the Pea Island Natural Refuge which boasts over 6000+ acres of wildlife refuge and 360+ types of birds. Finally, do you recognize the name Rodanthe? I did too, and then it dawned on me, ” The Nights of Rodanthe” was filmed there making it Hollywood Famous. In addition to these things to do there is a lot more it just is un-nerving to me that I don’t know what to expect! Don’t forget to make a stop at the Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station an untapped treasure!
Restaurant – Our Destination in The Tri-Village Area
Finally, while we in Hatteras Island, we are going to go to one of the Best of The Best in fun dining: The Atlantic Coastal Cafe! I simply can’t wait to meet the owners, the staff and share the food experience with you, because it will be as magnificent as all of the praise it hails all over the Internet! In fact, you can read all about our wonderful experience at the Atlantic Coast Cafe as it was amazing and delicious!
Avon (4)
This is where we are staying and I can not wait to see every nook, cranny, and facet there. I am happy to note that there a few grocery stores around which will help me in stocking our home up with food that my son with food allergies can dine on, and create recipes that we will be sharing with you. The fact that my son has food allergies is a huge reason we chose to rent a beach vacation home, so we can physically prepare his food!
Avon is probably the most centrally located village and is 20 miles North of the Hatteras Inlet. The beaches at AVON are prime, pristine and many of the beach cottages and rentals are so very close to the dunes and the water it insanely AWESOME. We must have looked at the photos of our rental about 100x because we can’t WAIT and we are 250 feet from the beach…. Surfing anyone? The Canadian Hole is just a few minutes from Avon and well it is quite popular, so I understand and we can’t wait to watch!
Where to Rent A Bike Shop In Avon
We will be biking daily and we are renting our BIKES From The Island Cycles Shop in Cape Hatteras! Island Cycles in Cape Hatteras. The shop has great customer service, a friend staff(I have talked to them enough) and they take BIKE and Kayak Reservations online which will help you secure your fun for the time you are there! I will share more details as we work with them and I will show you our bikes!
Buxton (5)
We are headed to Buxton to see the world-famous Cape Hatteras Lighthouse (the tallest American Brick LIGHTHOUSE spanning 208Ft) and try out the insanely wonderful and family friendly bike and walking trails. My kids have never been in a lighthouse, hey.. neither have I, remember I said ‘BUCKET LIST’?
Frisco (6)
Well, we tried to grab some horseback time reservations here, and they are ‘just too busy too accommodate’ so that’s great for them and bad for us, but that is something people when visiting or staying in this Village as it is heavily wooded and offers a beautiful beach area to trot in.
Hatteras (7)
So I explained not to call Hatteras Island the Hatteras Inlet at the beginning and here we are in Hatteras by the Hatteras Inlet. In Hatteras you will find a very popular museum(at least if you have been to the OBX) as well as the Hatteras Inlet which you will cross on a FREE ferry to get to Ocracoke Island which will take about 40 minutes or a tad longer.
There are some great restaurants and we were also told to head here at the end of the day to see what the fisherman have for the Catch of The Day it is supposed to be amazing to see all the boats returning and their catches! Check out the waves crashing onto the ferry..
The 7 Villages of Hatteras offer so much between them that it is hard to decipher where to go, what to do and which restaurant to visit. Do you have any tips and tricks for the 7 Villages of Hatteras Island?