I will be the first to admit that when I pack for a cruise, I pack and repack, and unpack. I make lists, and then I get serious about it and remember all the stuff that we DON’T need and what is in our room.
Have you ever wondered what you need to bring with you when you go cruising? We have been on a few cruises before, so I had a pretty good idea of what we did and did not need but if you have not been a cruise before.
My OCD takes over and I have to check, recheck, look at old photos and read in info in chat groups to verify everything. Today, I am going to make cruising a lot more easy for you to prepare for with a little insiders information on what is in a Carnival Sunshine Stateroom.
There are things you want to know, so you pack less and enjoy more! Every cruise line differs with what they offer in your stateroom so make sure you inquire before you go, but if you are setting sail with Carnival Sunshine, I can show you what’s inside the room as we lavishly lived cruising out loud with the Carnival Sunshine.
What Is In A Carnival Sunshine Stateroom?
My Video has a lot of good information, so watch it once or twice and I am sure you will see things that you don’t need to bring!
The closet space was plentiful and there were hangers in the closet, so I did not pack more. There were drawers as well as shelving outside of the closet and we used all of this to stack our clothing as well.
The bathrooms had plenty of space for your toiletries, and we additionally brought along that little item you saw on the door if you watched the video, which keeps you so organized the whole trip and it packs down easy in the luggage.
The addition of the safe in the room was a welcome add-on, which we had not had a while back when we cruised. If you do happen to make a mistake there is an attendant who can reset your safe, just in case you mess up the code or forget it after a few drinks(lol)
I do believe one of the nicest features was having the bathrobes there, making it easy to just change clothes, balcony hang or transition from shower to room. In addition, the bath gel and shampoo are in dispensers and never in shortage, because your cabin steward makes certain.
The ice bucket lets you keep the water chilled and is perfect when you wake up and are in need of a drink (maybe because you drank a bit during the day or just because you are thirsty), it is like an ice machine on call.
Packing the basics was all we needed to go, but if you need a few tips for what to pack for those ports of call or just packing for shore excursions in general, make sure to read my other articles that detail this. Lavishly live cruising out loud and don’t overpack as this video details what’s in a Carnival Sunshine Stateroom. What things have you found in your staterooms when cruising?
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